Points of Authority

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To whoever it was that commented with this idea I am SO sorry. Your comment was on the chapters when they were in the main One Shots and I didn't think to make a note before I deleted them all, by the time I'd remembered I didn't know your handle it was too late. If this was you and you see this please comment so I can credit you because this was a genius idea.

Trigger warnings: Teasing/choking/pinning down/name calling/throat fucking.

You try and keep your mind fixed on laying the table but your stomach was doing backflips.
You can hear your mom in the kitchen rattling around and the house smelt like beautiful food, both stark reminders on what was happening today, a day you knew was coming but one you'd been dreading.

Today was the day Eddie was meeting your parents.

As much as he tried to reassure you he'd be on his best behaviour and you knew he would try, you also knew Eddie could be a loose canon. What worried you the most is how overprotective your dad is. You'd already been warned by your mom Eddie would probably face a grilling tonight, something you knew Eddie didn't like. You just hoped this would be important enough to him to stay calm.

You finish laying the table just in time to hear the rumble of Eddies van parking up in front of your house and your body tingles with nerves.
You race for the door and fling it open, running out to him before he even hits the front porch.
"Remember, stay cool if dad starts, this means so much to me Eddie" you plead.
He places his hands on your shoulders, staring you dead in the eyes.
"As I've said a hundred times this week, I know this is important to you and it's important to me. I'm great with parents, I will go out of my way to make sure they love me" he soothes, his voice calming you down slightly.
"Ah the elusive Eddie" you hear behind you, cringing internally as your dad makes his way down the path towards you.
"Mr Y/L/N, pleased to finally meet you" Eddie says, holding out his hand and receiving a firm handshake.
Your dad eyes him, his face blank as he takes in his long dark curls, the denim jacket covered in band patches and badges, the ripped jeans, the devils face on his Hellfire top and the plethora of rings held against his hand.
Your eyes dart between them, watching the silent judgement between both of them, the two most important men in your life.

"Eddie! So good to meet you! Honey let the poor boy come into the house" your mom scolds your dad from the open doorway as she wipes her hands on her apron before disappearing back into the kitchen.
Your dad finally let's go of Eddies hand and turns, walking back towards the front door while Eddie wraps his arm around your shoulder as you follow.
"This is going to be interesting" Eddie whispers in your ear.

You really hoped not.


"So Y/N tells us you're in a band?" Your mom says, the small talk as you started to eat wearing off and leading into the interrogation.
"Yeah, we're pretty good if I don't say so myself" he says with a smile, glancing at you from your seat across the table making your nerves jangle even more.
"What do you play?" Your dad asks, he was sitting up straighter than usual in his seat at the head of the table, the imagined masculine rivalry he'd created over his daughters boyfriend being in his presence was so obvious.
"Metal" Eddie responds, you steel yourself for the disapproval but your dads response makes you choke on your food.
"I used to be in a band in college, more psychedelic than metal though" he says nonchalantly.
You look at Eddie then at your dad.
"I didn't know that?" You say.
Your dad grins. "We were all young once Princess"
"That's how we met. Guess I was a groupie" your mom laughs.
"Oh gross!" You say, setting your knife and fork down on the table, your appetite now non existent.
Your parents laugh and Eddie smiles, he was enjoying this more than he expected to.
"What do you play?" Your mom asks him.
"Lead guitar and vocals" he says.
"Ah I was bass!" Your dad responds.
"He was really good too. Then Y/N came along and everything got a bit serious" your mom chimes in.
"Could have been bigger than Sabbath" Your dad says in a jokey way but you can hear a weird sense of nostalgia there too.

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