Chapter 12: New name

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A/N: I don't own destiny all rights go to bungie

Jason POV:

I get back to my room and decide to cook some lunch. After I'm don't eating i decide to wash my armor to have it clean for the ceremony tomorrow.

Jason:" I guess if I get the name it'll be official then"

Ghost:" yeah it is a great honor amongst Eliksni to have a tile given to oneself"

I nod and decide to wash and wait for my armor to be done drying.

Once it's done I realize the time is very late so I decide to get some sleep. I lay down and doze off into sleep.


I wake up to see it's still nighttime but it'll be daytime soon so I decide it's better to get going now. I get up and get dressed in my armor and start waking to Kells rising.

As I'm waking I start getting close I see Eramis along with Praksis, Kridis, Phylaks, and another Baron with purple eyes I haven't seen before and they look...mechanical?

I get up close and finally arrive to see them all standing in a semicircle.

Eramis:" Ah right on time I see"

Jason:" yeah uh whose the new baron over there"

Atraks-1: "I'm Atraks-1 I've become and Exo and have been reborn"

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Atraks-1: "I'm Atraks-1 I've become and Exo and have been reborn"

Jason:" Wait that's possible I... I didn't know that would happen"

Eramis:" that doesn't involve you guardian... but now let's begin"

Eramis:" Step forward and place out your arms and remove your gauntlets"

I do as I'm told and step forward with my arms out.

Eramis:" You've been a great use to us guardian and for that we will grant you a new name and a title amongst my Council"

Eramis:" Amongst Eliksni people you shall now be known as Jorviks, the Guardian"

I see Prakis come beside me and pull out what looks like a cow brander but with the House of Salvation emblem on it but it's glowing blue. Without warning he jams the hot iron into the side of my arm. I yell and curse at him and he pulls it away and it leaves a glowing blue symbol of the house of Salvation branded on my arm.

Eramis: " The final pledge as we call it, we've been branded by the house that's been bathed in Ether and now your the first human to be officially branded as an Eliksni"

Jason:" So it's like a tattoo but it glows because of Ether"

She nods

Jason:" all right then, now what"

Eramis:" Your all dismissed but you Jorviks, you stay"

They all walk away leaving me and Eramis alone. She walks over to a hand rail and I follow in suit. This is feeling like Deja Vu.

Eramis:" You simply amaze me guardian, your kind has been nothing but savages to our people, yet here you are, why is that"

Jason:" I don't know honestly I just saw what you were doing is genuinely trying to help your people so I decided to be apart of it"

I decide to be bold and put my hand atop of hers like she did when I first arrived here. She looks down and flips her palm over so she can grasp my hand fully and truly hold her hand. I start blushing at this and I see her lean down and crouch to the ground to get to eye level with me.

Eramis:" I have something I wished to say to you Guardian, but not here I wish for it to be more private, follow me to my quarters if you would"

She pulls me along with her still holding my hand in the process. I realize what this probably means and I stare up at her face past her towering Body and smile.

To be continued

A/N: hope you enjoyed He now is a meme r of Eramis council so that happened. Until next chapter peace

[Discontinued /new story out]Love found in Stasis: Eramis x guardian (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now