Season 2-Chapter 8: Intentions of the Traveler

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A/N: I don't own destiny. Anyways here's a new chapter for this story, there is a message at the end of the chapter taking about the update situation for this book. Let's begin.


Jason POV

Jason: "This is where it should be?"

Ghost: "We may have to just focus and try to imagine what happened"

Jason: "Oh okay, I'll try that"

Me and Ghost were standing in the middle of a hive circle within Savathun's castle thing. We were told that this could help us gain insight into how she stole the light. It was also annoying trying to figure out how these circles work and how to tap into these memories.

Jason: "Wait a minute I'm seeing something"

(This scene plays in your head)

Ghost: "That's.... That's impossible! The traveler would never give the Hive the Light willingly"

Jason:" We... we need to go back to the tower now!"

Before we leave I reach over to the podium and grab the Hive Worm. Ghost then teleports me onto my ship and I punched it into orbit. I lean back and take off my helmet and rub my head in confusion.

Was Eramis right about the Machi-Traveler?

She... she couldn't be right... right.

I've always agreed with what her messages were and her beliefs aside from being on the fence about her view of the traveler. I understand that she had a major distrust of it at first and doesn't want anything to do with it now. But when she said it will abandon us as it did to the Eliksni.... Maybe it is?

Ghost:" Jason, Jason! You there"

Jason:" Yea... yeah, what?"

Ghost: "Did you not hear the entire conversation with Ikora?"

Jason: "N...No, I did not"

Ghost: "Ugh, just head to Zavala's office"

I nod and transmat out of my ship and walk toward his office. As I step in I see the same group he had here before. Aside from Eramis and Caital. While Saint-14, Ana Bray, Ikora, Zavala, Mithrax, Saladin, and Eris are there.

Ikora: "Jason put the Worm on the table"

I have Ghost open my vault and I grab the Worm from it and place it on the table. I step back and everyone stands around confused as to why the meeting was called.

Ikora: "We've unfortunately discovered some bad news... Savathun was gifted the light by the traveler"

Everyone in the room seems shocked and the atmosphere goes dark. I've never seen Zavala this quiet, not since Cayde died.

Zavala: "I don't care what the Traveler wants, we will take it back from Savathun!"

Ana: "How?"

Ikora:" It's a long shot... but I think it could work. Jason"

I look over to the Warlock vanguard and listen up.

Ikora: "I believe if we can find Savathuns old memories we can weaken her and defeat her"

Jason: "How will that even work?"

Eris: "After much research, I've discovered Savathuns old texts in the archives. It tells of an incantation one can invoke within her castle to bring back forgotten memories"

That... might work.

Ikora: "I can help you busy down the door blocking the path to the room which you can say the spell. It's definitely a long shot but it could work"

Zavala: "I... don't know what else to do... it'll do"

Ikora:" Okay everyone outsource your resources to protecting the city and if you have any soldiers on standby send them to Mars"

Everyone nods and Zavala calls off the meeting. Ikora asks me to follow her to her ship to catch them by surprise and I follow her.

Ikora:"Where was Eramis?"

Jason:" She's.... Uh.... Sick, yeah sick"

Ikora:" I know you're lying Jason"


We both Transmat into her ship and I sit down behind her in the passenger seat.  I lay back in the seat and I feel the ship lift off the ground. But unfortunately for me, the questions didn't end as we left orbit.

Ikora: "So Jason, what's the real reason Eramis wasn't there"

She said that with a serious tone that scared me.

Jason: "She's... pregnant"

I look to see the reflection of Ikora and she seems to be smiling.

Ikora: "I expected, I never expected grandchildren from a Eliksni but I won't complain, those hatchlings are rather cute"

Jason:" You do know your not my mother right?"

Ikora:" What was that?"

Jason:" NOTHING!"

I see her smile more and i from the window I see the surface of Mars and the green aura of Savathun's ship come into view.

We won't fail. It has to work.

To be continued

A/N: here's another chapter done, sorry in advance of the story gets weirder snd weirder update schedules. With summer coming around I'll be at a weird spot because I have to do this and my One Piece book as well, which you should check out if you like One Piece. But anyways I'll be home from college and I'm sorry if it's not updated as frequently, but I won't be abandoning this book. Ah well until next chapter peace.

[Discontinued /new story out]Love found in Stasis: Eramis x guardian (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now