Chapter One

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Chapter One

The lights were out. The house was dark. And quiet. Almost too quiet. I sat in my room huddled under the sheets in my bed waiting for the beast to return and for all hell to break loose once again. It was the same thing every night. He'd go out to drink and come back and... and... he'd come back to abuse me. It was his stress reliever. 

My mother had left about 11 years ago when I was 7. We were a happy family. Then one day she came home, packed up her things, and told my father she didn't love him anymore. She told me that she would always love me, but that she had to leave us. I was only 7 and I didn't understand what was going on. In my mind she was just going on vacation. But she never came back. And by the time I was 10 I realized that she was never going to come back. 

Slam! The door. He's home. I take a deep breath. I brace myself for the wrath. For the anger. For the pain. For my father. I hear his footsteps come heavily and clumsily up the stairs and begin heading towards my room. His pace picks up. I bury my head further under the covers, praying that he won't be as angry tonight. But inside I knew that it wasn't going to make a difference. It was the same. Every time. 

"Hunter! Where are you?!?" I heard him yell. I could smell the alcohol on him from down the hallway. I didn't dare answer. I just waited. 

"Hunter! I know you heard me you little brat! Where are you?!?" Here he comes. I hear my door fly open and I can hear his breathing. He walks slowly over to the side of my bed and chuckles to himself. I feel a hand on top of my blanket covered back. 

"I knew you were here. You're such a coward. Just like your mother. Well, we'll just have to make sure you will never turn out to like she was, won't we?"

I squeezed my eyes shut tight, and braced myself.

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