Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

Hunter's Father's POV

"I kinda wish I knew where Hunter was... After all... She is my daughter..." I was thinking. I was sitting in my local bar waiting for the bartender.

"What can I getcha sir?" He asked me as he was cleaning out a mug with a white rag. He was husky, with a black go-tee. His right ear was pierced with a small golden hoop through it.

"Yea, I'll have a Whiskey Sour on the rocks."

"Comin' right up." I watched him turn around and start mixing my drink. I sigh, thinking about these past few months.

Thinking about my Hunter. My baby girl. I was beginning to think maybe I had gotten a bit out of hand, doing what I did. She could be lost and alone. Starving, cold, scared. Or even dead for all I knew. And I knew I had done this. I had driven her to this. 

"Yo pay attention man! I've been calling you for your drink!"

"Oh man sorry.. Was thinking." The bartender sigh and rolled his eyes, then slid the glass down the counter, spilling a little off the top. I grabbed it, and took a sip. Ah. My drink. I needed this.

About 3 drinks later, I turned my attention to the TV. Some punk concert was playing, and they were following some bands back to their buses. I watched as a guy with long black hair smiled and walked off stage, then answering questions from an interviewer as he walked back to his bus with his bandmates.

They stopped in front of the bus and he sat down on the steps by the bus door and continued answering questions. All of a sudden, a young girl walked past him, glancing at the camera shyly, then continued to walk. She looked exactly like.... 

"Hunter." I whispered.

"What's that?" The bartender asked me. 

"Uhhhh... is there any way you can rewind that TV?"

"Uh yea..? Sure. Why?"

"Just... just do it."

"Okay calm down." The bartender searched around for the remote and finally found it in a drawer next to a small refridgerator. "To where now?" He asked me.

"I'll tell you when...Then pause it."

He began rewinding it slowly, and I watched. "Stop!" I looked, and no, not the right frame. "A little bit longeeeerrrrrr..... Stop!" 

There she was. Her small face, glancing down at the camera. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" I was furious. I know I had just been a bit worried about her, but now, now she went on some bus with some band and is living with them? That little slut is probably sleeping with them all!

"Dude, what?" Some guy near me asked, placing a hand on my shoulder,

I glared at him, throwing his hand off my shoulder and growled. "That's my daughter."

"Woah! That's cool. That's Sleeping wit..." A small man across the bar had began talking but I ran over and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, holding him up against the wall. It was silent in the bar, not one soul was saying a word.

"You better tell me everything you know about that place, that band, and everything you could possibly know or else..." 

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while lately... Things have been... crazy and upsetting I suppose. And every time I sat down to write, all I got down was "Chapter Thirty One......" And then nothing. MAJOR writer's block. Well, I've gotten comments and texts asking how her father found her so, I hope this satisfies you guys! I know it's a short chapter, but I'm tired and I have yardwork to do tomorrow, and then I'll be real busy so I don't know when I'll be able to post again.. Thanks for reading my book everyone! (Woahhh just got a weird sense of deja vu...) Love you all so much! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3

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