Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I was done. Done with this place. It was leaving, or suicide. One or the other. I didn't exactly want to die, so I decided to leave.

I got up at normal time for school, and followed my normal morning routine. Today Dad was trying to figure out how to cook himself eggs, while trying not to fall over from his hangover. I grabbed my keys and walked out of the house as if I was just heading to school. But I wasn't.

I didn't know where I was going, but I knew I was getting away from here. I had money, clothes, and some food I had grabbed before I left, so I knew I'd be alright for a bit. I filled up my car with gas, and decided to go North. So I did. I drove and drove and drove. For days and days on end. It was freeing. My father had tried calling my cell phone a few times, and so had Gracelin, but it didn't matter. I was alone. I was free. 

It was raining. Hard. It was late at night, and I was tired. I knew I was in a bad neighborhood, and so I told myself that I just had to get out of this place, and then I could pull over and rest. My car began getting slower and slower, quickly. And then, it sputtered one last breath, and stopped. Dead in the middle of this horrible place. I was alone, I was lost, and I was scared. So I sat there. I struggled to keep my head up and eyes open; I was so exausted.

Hunter! I told myself. Stay awake! You need to stay alert and aware. You're in a dangerous situation, and you don't want to die. Not this way, anyway. 

But I fell asleep. Against my strongest will, I fell asleep.

Tap. Tap. Screeeeeeeech!

Startled, I jumped in the driver's seat, and then I saw him. I saw them. There was 4 large, ragged men standing outside of my car. The scarriest man was the one that had been tapping and scratching on my window. I reached for my phone. Dead. Of course. The one thing I forgot to bring was my charger. I knew I was going to die. He smiled, and I saw his yellow teeth, many of them missing. It wasn't a friendly smile; it was crude. An evil smirk. A horrid twinkle in his eye. His hair was slicked to his head from the rain, his coat was plaid and his jeans were ripped at the knees and had stains all over them. His pocket was buldging out, in the obvious shape of a gun. He motioned for me to get out of my car. I timidly shook my head no. He pulled a piece of paper and a pen out of his pocket and began writing. He then pressed the note to my window.

Get out. We won't kill you if you get out, but if you don't, we'll shoot you out. Your choice.

His hand began pulling the gun out of his pocket. He raised it and began pointing it at my window, at my head. I didn't know what to do... I was terrified. I lifted my arms, and began to get out of the car.

"There ya go angel. Smart little princess, isn't she.?" He smirked at me. I could smell the alcohol and smoke on him. He smelled like my father. And I had a feeling that he would hurt me like my father did. And maybe worse.

"You're a beautiful little girl aren't you? A cute little body too. Not too big, not to small. Perrrr-fectttt." The way he dragged out the word perfect sent chills down my spine. The 3 other men began walking over to us. The smell of alcohol and smoke became overwhelming. I felt someone grab me from behind and put a hand over my mouth. I heard glass shattering, and knew one of them was destroying my car. I knew I was never getting out of this. The man that had been talking to me walked around behind me, and whomever was holding me before, handed me off to him. I fekt his hot breath on my neck. "Don't move Princess. It'll be over soon." He whispered into my ear. I heard the drunken smile in his voice. The same horrific voice I had heard my father use so many times before. 

Before I knew it, he had pushed me on the ground, and my head hit the pavement. I was looking up at him helplessly as he began coming down to my level, and climbing on top of me... The others had all turned their backs. No one else was in sight. I knew what was happening, and I didn't know what to do...

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