Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Hunter's POV

"Get out... Please." I whispered quietly. Something had hit deep inside of him after seeing me, and I couldn't bear to see Kellin Quinn be upset over something I did. He wasn't walking away. He was just still standing in the the doorway, staring at my arm. "Kellin..."

He seemed to almost snap out of his trance, and jumped a little. "You know my name?"

"Well, yea. I love your music. It's helped me get through a lot in my life." I stared at my feet as I talked, afraid to look into his eyes.

"How come you didn't go all "fangirl" then when you saw us? I mean, besides the fact that you were confused and hurting..." He shuffled his feet on the floor with his hands in his pocket.

"I'm honestly just so confused right now. I'm going through a lot of stuff, and was just... just..." I couldn't say the word. It still hurt too much. 

"It's ok... Don't speak Hunter. I promise you're safe with us. So what happe..." He didn't get to finish because Justin walked over, and stopped and stared. I had almost forgotten what I had been doing before Kellin walked in, and that it was basically a bloody mess. But unlike Kellin who just stood there in a trance, he sprung into action.

"Sit down Hunter,"

"But... but..."

"Now, Hunter." He wasn't angry with me, but he obviously wasn't pleased. No one would be. He pushed Kellin out of the doorway, and ran down to the closet. I sat down on the side of the tub and looked at my arm. He came back with bandages and a few other things. He whispered to Kellin, and then Kellin said something back. They seemed to be debating about something, but then Kellin rolled his eyes and walked away. Justin came back in the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I knew Justin wasn't going to do what those men did, well, I was 99% sure, but I was still cautious because it was now just me and him. 

He sat down next to me and took my arm. He poured something onto a paper towel and began dabbing it on my arm. It stung. He saw the face I made, and he blew on where he had put it. He took a wet cloth and gently rubbed the rest of the blood off. He began wrapping a long bandage around my arm, and patted it gently when he was done. He seemed satisfied with himself. But then he touched my chin, and turned it towards him, and let go. He stared into my eyes for a moment.

"Hunter. Why would you harm such a beautiful girl?" He asked me with a great saddness in his voice. It seemed like he was staring straight through my eyes into my soul.

"I... I can't... Justin, don't ask me these things." I couldn't talk to anyone about this yet. Especially not people I had just met, even if they were Sleeping with Sirens. I realized that if Kellin didn't know I was a fan at first, Justin wouldn't either. "Oh, yes. I know your name because yes, I am a fan. You're music has helped me through a lot in my life. 

He struggled a smile, and then turned his head away. "If you want to talk about it, I'm here. I know we just met, and I know you don't know us as people yet, but you will hopefully. And I am always here to listen whenever and if ever you want to talk." He got up, and slowly walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I could barely process what was happening. And now two members of the band knew I cut myself, and by then I was sure the rest of the band did too. I was a little ashamed honestly. I got up from the tub, and turned the knob on the door and pulled it open. Slowly, I walked to the place where everyone was sitting. I just stood there as they all stared at me, waiting for me to... do something.

Justin's POV

Kellin had been in there with her for a while. I wanted to know what was going on. I walked over there, and saw Kellin just standing in the doorway. I peered around him, and I was horrified at what I saw. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen was sitting in our bathroom, surrounded by blood, arm cut up, with a razor on the floor.

I knew I had to do something, I couldn't just stand there and let her bleed. I grabbed some paper towels, a washrag, hydrogen peroxide, and a bandage. I asked Kellin to leave for a few minutes so I could try to clean her up, but he said he didn't want to. We argued for a minute, but he finally gave in and walked away. I wonder what his problem is.. I knew I had to put some hydrogen peroxide on her arm to clean out the cuts, or they's probably get infected. I knew it would burn, and by the face she made when I out it on, I knew it did. I blew softly on where it was burning, like my mother had done for me when I was little and got a cut or a scrape. Wiping the rest of the blood off with a damp washrag, I wrapped the bandage around her arm, and looked back at her. 

"Hunter. Why would you harm such a beautiful girl?" I asked her. I wanted to know. What happened to this girl. Why was she cutting herself; making herself bleed.? Who scarred her for life, and what pain was she trying to escape.? She wouldn't tell me, and I respect that. Someone had obviously hurt her tremendously, and she wasn't ready to talk yet. Understandable. I told her that I was always here if she needed to talk, and walked back in with the rest of the guys.

"What's wrong with her? Like, what happened?" Jesse was concerned too. All of the guys were. 

"Honestly I'm not sure. She wouldn't tell me..." I was upset for her...

"Well no shit! The poor thing is traumatized..." Jesse yelled. He seemed almost angry. Like he wanted to find who had hurt her, and kill them. Jesse was like the big brother of the band. I had a feeling he would squeeze his way into Hunter's little world and become her "big brother" too. He'd be protective of her, and that would be a bit of an issue for me, as I wanted to get closer to her in time. But I also had a feeling Kellin wanted to as well... I had a knack for being able to tell these things, and I knew Kellin wanted to get close with her. The closeness that I wanted. The girl I wanted...

All of a sudden, there she was. Standing in front of all of us, staring at the ground, swaying back and forth. We all watched her, expecting her to say something. But she didn't. Jesse told her that there was an extra seat by him, and she nodded and sat down next to him. He put his arm around her, and she flinched. Whenever someone touched her, she flinched and looked worried for a split second. I knew Jesse wasn't going for her; He was just trying to comfort her, and be the "brother" he was..

She was so small compared to the rest of us. She mustv'e only been 5'2" at the most. She had a small frame too.  She looked up at him, and he looked down at her and smiled sympathetically. She grabbed his arm and buried her face in his chest, and cried. It broke my heart. He wrapped his arms around her, and was humming quietly in her ear. She was curled in a ball on his lap, no one was able to see her face. I think she wanted it that way. I couldn't stand watching her sob and break, and I had to leave. I walked into the bathroom, knowing all of the guys had watched me leave. I sat on the sinktop, and looked down. The blood stains were still fresh on the floor. Her blood... Her life...

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