Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three

Hunter's Dad's POV

I'd been in jail for about a month now. Haven't hearrd anything from Hunter. Truthfully, I don't blame her. I've had a long time to think about what I've done. What I was doing with my life. I was wrong, and I knew I needed to change. It was time to stop living in the past. When I get out of jail, I decided I needed to start fresh. Maybe, just maybe, I could rekindle a relationship with my daughter..

I loved my daughter. I did. And I hated myself more and more each minute. Thinking how horribly I treated her, what I put her through. She's been through enough. 

I was pacing back and forth in my cell, thinking about it all, and replaying scenes in my head; Well the ones I remembered anyway. I was beginning to feel anxious, and I ran my hands through my hair as I thought more and more. I collapsed on the floor in a heap, and began crying like a child.

There I sat on the floor. The floor of a prison cell, crying. A cold, heartless, hopeless, lonely, prison. I belonged here though, and I knew it. That made it worse, because now I have to replay all of those images in my head over and over again.

Finally, I started to calm down. I sigh, and stood up slowly, sitting down on my "bed." I wiped the tears from my eyes, cleared my throat, and began falling asleep.

I was awoken to the booming voice of one of the guards and the squeaking metal as they unlocked, and opened the cell door.

"Get up. Important phone call. Your daughter." 

Couls it be?! She's calling me. I can try ot make it right again. Finally, my chance! I thought to mysef.

"Ok I'm coming." I rushed out and followed him down the hall to the phone, and I picked it up. He nodded and walked away, but I knew he was watching me from a distance. They always do.

"Uh... Hello.? Hunter..." I stuttered into the phone.


"Hunter I'm so glad to hear your voice! Oh I have so much to tal..." But she cut me off.

"Oh, sir I'm sorry. This, this isn't Hunter. I'm her nurse. Elizabeth. I have some things I need to inform you of."

"Oh alright then. Yes...?" I was a bit nervous. Why was she in the hospital?

"Well, you see sir, she, your daughter, she tried, well, she tried to, commit suicide a few nights ago. It wasn't the first time. She was doing alright, but then her heart monitor began going down, but we rushed her into emergancy surgery."

"But, she's okay now, right?"

"Well sir..."

"No. She's okay? Right?!"

"No sir. I'm sorry. Your daughter passed at 4:37 a.m this morning. We did the best we could."

"Oh. Goodbye." And I hung up, before she couls say another word.

I was lead back to my cell, and the door locked behind me. Hunter's gone. Before I could fix anything. I was too late. And she's gone. And it's my fault.

"It's my fault!" I yelled, and punched the concrete wall. The pain felt good then. Why now? 

My baby girl. She's gone. Forever.

Kellin's POV

The doctor came out, with a clipboard in his hand, flipping through papers. 

"Son, come here for a moment."

This was it. He was coming to tell me she was gone. Forever. Hunter was dead, and I was sure of it. What was I going to tell the guys? Her father?! Oh gosh... Maybe I wouldn't tell him anything. He doesn't deserve to know..

"She's gone isn't she." I stared at the floor, and heard nothing. 


"I knew it." I began to turn around when the doctor put his hand on my shoulder.

"Kid, she's asking for you."

"Wh... what?"

"She's asking for you. Go in."

He led me into another hospital room, and there was Hunter, all bandaged up, once again, struggling a small smile. 

"Kellin." She whispered.

I was dumbstruck. I was so positive she was gone. But, he she is. Sitting right in front of me, smiling, and alive.

I ran over to her, and squeezed her so tightly, and tears began falling uncontrolably. "I love you. So much Hunter."

"I know Kellin. I know."

"Excuse me, I don't mean to interupt, but we need to dicuss what we are going to tell your father." The nurse said.

"He's not my guardian anymore. I'm 22 now. I'm an adult. I don't want him to be a part of my life."

"Well, we have to inform him of something."

"Tell him I'm dead."

The nurse and I stared at her.

"What?!" We both gawked. 

"You heard me. Tell him I'm dead. I don't want him to look for me after he gets out of prison. I'm too.. Too afraid of what he might do..."

The nurse sigh. "Well, I suppose..." And she walked out of the room. 

Hunter turned to me, and jumped out of her covers, leaping onto my lap. "I love you Kellin Quinn." And she leaned in and kissed me. Here she was. My love, alive, and kissing me with her perfect lips.

I smiled through the kiss, and she did too.

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