Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty Five

Hunter's POV

I was beside myself. How was I supposed to communicate how I felt to Kellin and Justin? I hated hurting people... But this had to be done. And soon.

"Um, Justin? Can I talk to you for a minute? In private..."

"Sure Hunter." He smiled at me.

I turned around and grabbed his hand, leading him outside the door and down the road a bit in silence. He stayed behind me a bit the whole time. He seemed confused and a bit scared. I stopped alongside some of the tallest trees, and dropped his hand. He looked into my eyes. 

"Justin," I took a deep breath. Here it comes. Just say it. "Justin, it's you." I closed my eyes not sure what the reaction was going to be.

"What...? What do you mean Hunter...? Or... Wait, you mean, me? You chose...?"

I nodded my head with my eyes still shut. All of a sudden, I felt his arms wrap tightly around my body and he sqeezed ,e. He picked me up off the ground and spun me in a circle and laughed. I laughed too. This was what was meant to be. It was Justin all along.

"Hunter. I love you so much. The thought of you with Kellin tore me apart from the inside out."

"I know Justin. But I realized that it was you that I wanted to be with. That I want to be with." I smiled and he leaned in and kissed me. Our lips moved together in perfect rhythm. This was how I knew. I just knew. But the thought popped into my head about what I was going to say to Kellin. How he would handle the news, and what he would do. It was unpredictable now, and I needed to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself again, or I could never forgive myself.

I pulled away. Justin looked at me confused. "I uh... I need to talk to Kellin now."

"Oh okay... I'll go with you. Make sure he doesn't try anything funny." 

"No Justin, I need to do this on my own." I looked at him and began walking back towards the bus. I heard his footsteps following me, but they were further back. He was giving me space to do this, and I appreciated that. I needed it.

I played out the scene many different times in my head. Different ways I would say it, different outcomes, different everything. None of them good. 

He hated me, and we never talked again.

He stormed out of the bus and hung himself.

He went to the bathroom and slit his wrists again.

He kicked me out of the bus and told me to leave.

I was afraid. So, very very afraid.

Kellin's POV

I was sleeping, when I heard the door to the bus bang open. It woke me up with a start. I sat up on the couch and rubbed my eyes yawning. As my vision began to un-blur, I saw Hunter standing at the doorway.

"Oh hey Hunter. You scared me. I was asleep..." I stretched and rested my hands on top of my head. 

"Sorry. Didn't mean to. But uh... we gotta talk Kellin." I watched her shuffle her feet and bite her lip, staring down at the ground in front of her. She didn't look happy. I began to worry. 

She made her way slowly over to the couch and sat down next to me, her legs crossed lotus style. She took my hand, and struggled a weak smile. Maybe this isn't bad news..." I thought hopefully. She stroked my thumb with hers and looked into my eyes. 

"Kellin, you are one of the most amazing people I've ever met. You picked me up from the side of the road, literally! You helped me through a lot, and I owe you basically my life. You mean a lot to me Kellin Quinn." 

"Hunter... You..." She shushed me and put her finger gently over my lips. 

"But Kellin, I can't be with you. Not now. My heart belongs to Justin. A little part of you will always be in my heart for the rest of my life. There's so much going on right now, and I don't mean to hurt you. But there's something with Justin... I don't know. I love him Kellin. I love you, but I can't love you like that anymore. I... I'm sorry." She hung her head, my hands still in hers.

I felt tears gathering in my eyes as she spoke word after wretched word. She was silent for a moment, and I slowly pulled my hands out of hers, and wiped my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I looked at her. Her head was still hung low, her hair covering her beautiful face. She was crying. 

I reached over and lifted up her chin. Tears slid down her cheek as she looked at me. I wiped them away slowly with my thumbs. 

"Hunter, if this is what you need to do. If this is what's best for you, then I'm okay. I just... I just want you to be happy."

She sniffed and nodded slowly. I leaned over and wrapped my arms around her. She put her head in my shoulders, and I could smell the strawberry scent in her long black hair. This was the last time I would hold and embrace her like this. Smell her hair, and listen to her heartbeat. The door swung open, and Justin walked into the bus. He looked over at me and Hunter and scowled, his fists clenching and opening, clenching and opening. Hunter didn't look up. He walked over to the couch and stood over us. Hunter finally lifted her head up, and began crying harder. 

"Hunter, shh... Calm..." I started, but Justin cut me off.

"Kellin, let me handle it. Baby, please calm down. It's not your fault. I love you so much. Please calm down. Why don't you go into the other room with Miranda and try to calm yourself down?" 

Hunter nodded, and slowly stood up. She walked back to the back room. I watched her walk away, then turned to Justin. I waited for the blow.

"Dude, what's your problem?! She told you she doesn't want to be with her, and then you're all over her? No. What is that all about? She's obviously upset and confused, don't you dare try to take advantage of that."

"Justin I wasn't. She told me what she had decided. She started crying, and I hugged her. The last hug I'll ever get from her. So calm down. Don't make it harder on everyone." 

"Whatever Kellin. But you heard her. She's not with you now."

"I know." I sighed. I shook my head and stood up. I fixed my shirt, and walked out the bus door, feeling Justin's eyes glaring at me as I walked away.

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