Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

Kellin's POV

That night, I watched her fall asleep. I sat on the chair next to the couch/seat she was on, and watched her breathe in and out, her body shaking slightly with every deep breath. She seemed to always be curled in a ball when she was lying down, maybe because she felt safer, or was still just so afraid. I wanted to know so badly what had happened to her. But I also knew she wasn't ready to talk to us, or anyone about it yet, and I respected that.

I picked up my song book, and began scribbling down some lyrics that were just popping into my head.

She's breathing heavily,

Her body shaking,

You can hear her heart beat alarmingly steadily.

She's lying down, her eyes closed,

her body trying to rest.

Tears still stain her face,

'cause she cried herself to sleep,

Once again, nothing can replace..

This feeling.

She is lost, she is hopeless. 

She is scared, and she's alone.

She needs someone to hold her, someone to protect her.

Someone like me.

Someone like me.

All of a sudden, she shuddered in her sleep, and was making little noises. Her face showed distress, and all I wanted to do was comfort her. She thrashed her head side to side, moving around under the blanket. 

She shudders as she sleeps,

Nightmares overwhelm her mind,

But then she turned silent and still.

Silence creeps over her, like a horrific beast.

I'm worried about her to say the least. 

Her face turns pale,

Her hands loosen their grip,

She's calming down

And it's still making my heart rip.

Once again, nothing can replace..

This feeling.

She is lost, she is hopeless. 

She is scared, and she's alone.

She needs someone to hold her, someone to protect her.

Someone like me.

Someone like me.

Lost and hopeless.

Scared and alone.

She needs someone to hold her, someone to protect her.

Someone like me. 

Someone like me.

Someone like me...

I closed my book gently, and clicked my pen. I laid them down on the floor next to my chair, and settled down a bit. I watched as she shook on and off for hours. Turning from calm to thrashing back and forth in a metter of seconds. But finally, I fell asleep. 

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