Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Kellin's POV

I wanted to be alone with her for a little bit. Try to get to know her, have her get to know me. Maybe we'd really hit it off. Maybe she'd realize I was here to help her, and that she might start falling for me. I knew I was going to fall for her, I just knew it.

I asked her if she wanted to go for a walk with me, and she said yes. It was warm outside, despite the rain, and I had an umbrella. I took her hand, hoping she wouldn't pull away. She flinched, but she didn't pull her hand from mine. We began walking towards the door, and I grabbed my umbrella as we walked out the door. 

She let my hand go when we got outside and stared into the sky, letting the rain fall down her face. 

"Don't you want to get under the umbrella? It's raining!" I laughed opening up the umbrella walking towards her. 

"Yea I guess so. I just love the rain. I love the smell of it. It's almost refreshing, especially when it's all over. You just breathe it in, and it relaxes every muscle inside you." She still had her eyes closed looking up into the sky. Oh wow... She was spectacular. Stunning. Sexy as the rain fell on her too. But then she opended her eyes, and turned to me awkwardly. "Well, it does for me anyway. Sorry you had to hear my stupid rant about rain.."

"No no no! I loved it Hunter. It was cute." Smiling, I put my hand out for her to grab it. She looked at it, and walkd over. She grabbed my hand gently, and then looked back up into my eyes. She smiled. There was something there. I knew there was. There had to be. It was amazing. Beautiful. Undescribable. 

We walked down the road. It was a pretty deserted area, with an occasional passing car. Every once in a while, I'd look over at her, and would see her looking around all over the place. She was inspecting every little crack and crevice of the area we were in, and I just loved to watch her. She seemed so innocent. 

"Hunter. I want to talk to you for a minute." I whispered into her ear, and pulled her over to a bench near the side of the road. We sat down and she looked at me, waiting for me to begin. "Hunter, you're a special person. You're beautiful. And you've been through a lot. And you inspire me. When I look into your eyes and see you smile," I paused and pushed the hair that had blown in her face behind her ear, "when you smile, it's like I'm home. I feel so overjoyed and... it's honestly undescribable. Hunter, I know you're really struggling right now, and I don't think you should be doing it alone. I want to help you. I want to get to know you. I want you, Hunter." 

"Kellin...I...I... Oh." She was speechless, looking at the ground shuffling her feet. Not exactly the reaction I had wanted. But she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back, and turned her chin towards me, and I leaned in closing my eyes, crossing my fingers that she'd do the same. And then I felt it. Her lips meeting mine. Her lips were soft, and tasted like strawberries. The way she moved them made me crazy. I lifted my hand to her cheek, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. It was so perfect. My other hand slowly moved up and down her leg, but she took one of her arms off my neck to push my hand away.

Wow I'm an idiot. Of course she wouldn't want a guy touching her like that yet... Duh." I thought to myself.

But she didn't stop kissing me despite it. I sigh, and she pulled away, turning her face away from mine. Her face had turned the color of tomatoes, and it was cute. But she wasn't smiling. She was looking at her feet. I wanted to know why she was so upset, especially after a kiss like that.

"Hunter, what's the matter...?"

"I don't want to be hurt. I won't be able to take it Kellin." By that time it was night and she starede into the sky looking at the stars. What was I supposed to say to that?? I wanted to tell her I'd never hurt her, and she could trust me. She'd be safe with me and I;d guard her heart. But I was interrupted...

Honk! Honk! The tour bus. And there was Justin in the driver's seat. He pulled up next to us, and rolled down the window.

"I was getting worried dude. You guys were gone like, all day. And we gotta start heading out again. The next concert is in Flordia in 3 days. We have to seriously get going."

"Alright alright. We're coming." I rolled my eyes as I turned to Hunter. "Come'on Hunter. You should rest." I turned back to the bus, and she followed. Reaching my hand out for hers, she grabbed mine, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Justin flinch. What was his problem?

Hunter's POV

We were walking down the road in the rain. My hand was fit securely in his, and the sheen of sweat between our hands seemed normal. I loved exploring, and it was so nice in the summer rain. I loved rain too. It made me feel like a child again. When everything was so simple, and I'd dance in the rain. We walked for hours and hours and night fell.

"Hunter, I want to talk to you for a minute." He pulled me over to a bench that was on the side of the road, and I waited for him to begin. He told me the same speech about being here for me, but then at the end, he said he wanted me. Me. Me? I was speechless. But I smiled a bit, because I couldn't believe Kellin Quinn wanted to be with me of all people.

But then he turned my chin towards him, and his eyes fluttered closed.

He's going to kiss me! It all happened so fast. I leaned in, and our lips met. His lips were soft, but bigger than I thought. They tasted like oranges. I felt his hand on my face, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Sparks were flying! It was crazy. But he started rubbing my leg. My heart raced. I wasn't ready for that. Not to be touched like that yet. It was too much of a reminder. I gently pushed his hand away, and continued. He sigh, and I pulled away.

He looked like he was going to say something, but then we were basically blinded by the headlights of... the tour bus? It was the tour bus. Justin was driving. He said we had to get going! We began walking back onto the bus, and I played the kiss over and over again in my head. The last person I had kissed like that was Ronan. He was the last person I had loved. And it ended up in flames...

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