Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

Kellin's POV

My head was killing me as I opened my eyes slowly. There were people talking very loud and it woke me with a start. I heard beeping, and although my vision was blurry, I knew where I was. I was in a hospital. But, why? What happened?

I thought I recognized the people around me. " What happened?" I spit out of my mouth.

But as I looked closer, I realized that I recognized everyone but one. There was a girl standing over my bed, crying. Her hair was black and she looked like she had been crying. She was beautiful. I watched her, my eyes still squinted, as she stared at me with a blank expression on her face.

"How are you Kellin?" Asked Jesse. I knew him. I knew all of my band mates. It was just.. this girl. I strained to remember her, I just couldn't. So, why was she here?

"Uh, I'm okay. My head is killing me. Anyone care to tell me what happened?" The room grew silent. No one said a word. But then the girl spoke, looking into my eyes.

"You were upset. And you stormed out of the bus. And you were hit by a drunk driver. You're lucky you're not dead."

"Why was I upset? And... I'm sorry, but, who are you?" I asked the girl. Her eyes opened wide

"Kellin, it's me. Hunter..." Hunter. Hunter. Did I know a Hunter?

"No. I... I'm sorry. I don't know you."

Her eyes grew larger, and then she closed them. A tear slid down her cheek.

"You really don't know who I am Kellin?" She whispered.

"No... I'm sorry..."

She put her head in her hands and began sobbing. Jesse walked over to her, and put his arms around her shoulders and she burried her face in his chest. I watched Justin walk over to them, and pull her gently away from Jesse and into his arms. She put her head on his chest and cried. He stroked her back and hugged her tightly. 

Who was this girl? 

"Guys, I want to talk to Kellin." Hunter mumbled from Justin's chest. He pulled away, and looek into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked her.

She nodded. Everyone else walked out of the room, and I was left with this girl Hunter. She sat down on the edge of the bed and sigh. She looked out the window. It was raining. I watched her wipe the tears from her face and she looked over at me. She struggled a smile.

"Well, I uh... I'm Hunter. I don't... I don't even know where to start. Or what to do. This is so hard..."

"I mean, at least start out with who you are. Are we related? Are we friends? Are we dating? What's going on?

"No... I mean, yes I guess we're friends."

"What do you mean I guess.?"

"Well, that's a long story."

"Start from the beginning. How we met. I want to know everything."

"Alright. WEll, I was having a hard time at home, and I ran away. I was attacked and.. and... r...ra...raped and basically left on the side of the road to die. You guys saw me and picked me up and took me in." She began her story and how she fell in love with me, and how Justin was in love with her. There was so much detail in this story. She told me why I was upset, and why I stormed out. "Is any of this coming back to you?" She asked me hopefully.




"No, it's okay. It's not your fault. It's actually mine I guess... I was just hoping you'd remember me."

"I'm sorry Hunter. I am..." At that moment Justin walked back in, followed by the others. 

I stared at them all, and Justin came over and put his hand on Hunter's shoulder. She got up and he held her in his arms. I don't know why, but I felt a pang of jealousy ring through my head as I watched them. I wasn't sure why. I didn't even know who this girl was. Well, I did, but I don't remember it I guess... I'm confused.

"How are you feeling Kellin?" Jack asked me.

"Alright I guess. My head is still pounding. But... I uh... I don't remember... her." I said and pointed at Hunter. She glanced back at me, and then buried her head in Justin's shirt and cried some more. I didn't want to make her cry... I just couldn't remember. I felt bad. 

Who was this beautiful girl, and why did I feel something not right inside me when I saw her and Justin together...?...

Justin's POV

I was shocked to find that Kellin didn't remember Hunter. At all. But to be honest, I was a bit relieved and glad he didn't remember her. Now I could make sure he knew from the "beginning" that Hunter was mine, and he wouldn't know any other way. It sounds horrible, I know. But put yourself in my shoes.

But Hunter, she wasn't taking it well. She had been crying, but had stopped and had a blank expression still pasted on to her face.

Jack asked Kellin how he was feeling.

"Alright I guess. My head is still pounding. But... I uh... I don't remember..." He stopped and pointed at Hunter, "her."

She gasped quietly, and stood up and buried her face in my chest. She cried and cried. She was shaking and I just didn't know what to do. I held her, and rubbed her back, but I felt so helpless.

"Guys, we should probably let Kellin get some rest... It's been an eventful few hours and I'm sure he's tired." Jesse began walking towards the door, motioning for us all to follow him. 

We said goodbye to Kellin and we filed out of the room. As we were sitting down on the waiting room chairs, Hunter sat on the floor.

"Baby, come on. Sit on a chair." I cooed at her, but she didn't budge. I tried talking to her but she didn't answer me. She just sat and stared at the plain white wall in front of her. I finally gave up, and sigh as I sunk down into my chair. 

"Hey, I need a walk. I'll be back." I stood up, and Jesse waved at me, and then continued to read the People's magazine.

I walked down the hall to where Kellin's room was. I quietly opened the door, and peered through the small door opening. He was asleep. But, he was muttering something in his sleep. I looked around. No one was in sight. I tiptoed into the room and shut the door softly behind me, and sat down next to his bed.

"Hu...Hunter... Don't...His...No...Mine...Forever...Don't...Leave... I can't...Hunt...Justi... Please..." He was mumbling and I couldn't get many words out. But I could make out enough to know what he was talking about...

I wondered if maybe, his memory was coming back. Through his dream. Because he clearly knew who she was and that he didn't want her to leave him. I did not want him remembering her. Iit makes Hunter upset, but I think it'd be for the better. He wouldn't be all mopey around her, and she would realize in his mind, he never fell for her, and none of this ever happened.

But, I think it's coming back.

"Run Leave... Love... Always... Me... Fore...For... forever."

No. He would not run away with my Hunter. He wouldn't take her from me again. I can't live without her. And if he took her away... No. I couldn't let that happen. 

All of a sudden, he outstretched his arms, and rubbed his eyes, and began stirring. I quickly walked towards the door but...

"Justin? What are you doing in here?"

"Uhhh... I uh..."

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