Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty NineI

Justin's POV

Oh man... What was I going to say? I'm being stupid. All I needed to say was that I wanted to see if he was awake. But my mouth went dry and I couldn't speak. 

"Justin?" Kellin looked at me questioningly, waiting for my answer.

Luckily, everyone else rushed back in, realizing that Kellin was awake, and it distracted him from me. But Hunter looked over at me, and pushed me out the door. 

"Hunter, where...?" 

"Ssshhh. Just be quiet. Follow me." She led me down the hall, down the stairs, and to a storage area where she opened a closet door, and walked inside. I followed, and shut the door behind us,

"What's going on?" I was completely and utterly confused at this point.

"Justin, I'm sorry I've been so, wrapped up in this whole Kellin thing. Just, understand where I come from. But, I've been thinking. And I realize that I should be putting all of my energy into our relationship. I love you so much, and I don't want to lose you. I know it's hard for you right now, and it's hard for everyone. But, we need to support each other." She smiled softly, and leaned over.

She blew softly into my ear and kissed my neck gently. I moved my face closer to hers, and her lips met mine. The moved together passionately as I held her waist with her arms wrapped around my neck. Yes, this was how it was supposed to be. I moved my hands down to her thighs and lifted her up, as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I leaned her against the wall, and we continued kissing. She ruffled my hair with one of her hands, and moved it down rubbing my back.

I didn't even notice the door opening. 

"Excuse me! What are you doing? This is a hospital! Get out! Come on you filthy kids!" A janitor with a mop had opened the door and was visibly angry and annoyed. I let go of Hunter and she fixed her shirt and hair as we walked out of the closet. We felt his eyes glaring at us as we walked away, trying as best we could to not break down laughing. 

Once we got to the stairwell, it broke loose.

"Oh man! Did you see his face?!" Hunter bellowed, clutching her stomach.

"Haha yea! He was all pissed and annoyed at us "filthy kids"! That was great!"

 I smiled, and crawled over to her sitting on the stairs. On my knees and hands, I kissed her lips and she held my face in her soft hands. e shared one last slow kiss, and she laughed and got up, straightening out her shirt.

"Come on, we better go see what everyone else is up to." She winked at me, and ran up the stairs ahead of me.

Kellin's POV

All they guys were sitting around the bed, trying to get me to remember Hunter. But nothing was coming. But from what it sounds like, why would I want to? I apparently fell in love with her, she played me, and went with Justin. Yea. Sounds like a lovely girl...

But then Hunter and Justin walked back in followed by a nurse.

"Well, I have some good news and also some bad news." She stated very matter of factly.

"Good news first." I said.

"Well, you don't seem to have that bad of injuries, so you will be able to go back home."

Jack jumped out of his seat, and asked the nurse if I was able to go back on tour.

"Well, I suppose so. Just as long as he rests after each concert." She smiled and I was ecstatic!

"Ummm... what about the bad news?" Hunter shuffled her feet nervously and looked at the ground.

Then it was the nurse's turn to be uncomfortable, shuffling her feet. "Well, Mr. Quinn has indefinately lost his memory, meaning he has lost his memory until it basically comes back, if it even comes back at all..." And that was it. She turned around and lef.. 

I looked at Hunter, and she gasped when our eyes met. I watched her turn around and run out the door, crying as she went. 

I was expecting Justin to go after her, but he didn't. He just stood there, dumbfounded. I looked, and no one seemed to be doing anything, so I did. I jumped out of my bed, running down the halls, trying to find this girl. But as I turned the corner, I saw black hair flying down a different hall, turning another corner. 

As I ran and ran, I saw her run outside, and into the tour bus. So I followed her, completely out of breath. The only thing keeping me going was the sound of her cries as she ran in front of me. Once I heard thedoor to the bus slam, I stood outside of it, resting an arm on it, trying to catch the little breath I had. I huffed and huffed, and when I finally had cooled myself off and had air in my lungs, I quietly opened the door, shutting it softly behind me. I looked around, and sw her sobbing into a pillow on the couch.

"Go away Justin! I can't do this anymore! Can't you see I just want to be alone?!" She screamed into the pillows and her voice was muffled.

"It's not Justin..." I whispered.

The sobs stopped, and it was quiet for a moment. Nothing.

"K...Kellin?" She said, still muffled by the pillow covering her face. 

"Yea.." I answered, scratching my head. She looked up at me, tears streaming down her soft cheeks. Her eyes were puffed and red, but she was still beautiful. But then she threw her head back into the pillow and screamed at the top of her lungs. Nothing muffled about that. I sat down next to her on the couch, and sigh.

"I... I'm real sorry Hunter."

"Why? It's not your fault." She whispered.

"But it is. I just, I've tried so hard to remember, I just can't." 

"It's okay." and then nothing. The tears, the sobs, the cries, it all just stopped. She was hiding her face in the pillow again, but I didn't hear her crying. She was just still. So we sat there in silence, sayin nothing, as I tried as hard as I could to remember. 

Blam Blam Blam!

"What's that?" I asked. 

"The door," She answered, sniffing as she lifted her head off the pillow, "It's probably one of the guys."

"Stay here Hunter, I'll get it." I cooed to her, hoping she would start to calm down.


"Would you give me a freakin second?!?" I yelled. The guys usually don't bang on the door like that, unless there is a huge emergency...

I opened the door, and a big, hard looking man was standing there, looking pissed as ever. He was  kind of scary and intimidating. He glared at me, and stepped up, pushing me aside.

"Where is she?!? Huh?!? Where are you hiding her, you little twit!" 


"There! There she is!" He stormed over to Hunter on the couch and stopped, staring at her, with malicious intent. She sat up, and hugged the pillow to her chest. She looked scared. Afraid. 


Hey everyone! So, real sorry I haven't posted in forever... I've been busy and in Ocean City with family. Alsoooooo, my computer broke and I still haven't gotten a new one. This is my gpa's computer haha. So again, real sorry!!!! Love you all. Hugs and kisses :) xoxoxoxo Hope you like this all so far!!

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