Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Justin's POV

She ran up to us, Jesse by her side. Her makeup was running, and both of their eyes were red. They had been crying... Both of them... 

"Guys... Please... Why... Don't... Stop.... Please..." She panted. 

"Woahhhh Hunter. Sssshhhh baby, calm down." Kellin said, as he out his arm around her waist, hugging her from behind. Jesse eyed him, looking like the protective "brother" that he was. 

I was angry. I had just finished this conversation with Kellin, and as soon as she comes over here, he holds her in front of me? No... But as I looked at them, there was an uncomfortableness in her eyes as he held her. Almost as if she didn't want him hanging on her. 

"Hey hey hey... What's going on here. Seriously, are you guys ever going to stop? What's going on now?" Jesse looked back and forth at Kellin and I. He seemed more annoyed with us than angry. He had a way of making us feel so small...

I looked at Kellin and Hunter and then stared down at the ground, shuffling my feet. Jesse must have seen me, and he sigh.

"Ooooohhhhh... Alright. I get it. You guys aren't helping her you know." He took Hunter's hand and pulled her gently away from Kellin, and put his arm around her shoulder. "Hunter, could you go take a walk for a couple minutes? I just wanna talk to these idiots..." He chuckled a bit to himself.

"Yea. Okay. Whatever." I watched her walk away. She was so beautiful. I hated Kellin in a way for taking her from me. For not giving her time and space to deal with things. But I also hated myself for falling for her in the first place. If I hadn't, this thing with Kellin wouldn't have happened. But I did, and I can't really help that. 

"Now look here. You guys are being ridiculous. You really think this is making things easier on Hunter? Well... It's not. It's giving her one more thing to be stressed out about. Justin, I know you love her, and Kellin, I know you do too..."

That hit me right in the heart. I knew it, and I had already heard Kellin say it, but hearing it come from another person, it stung.

"But you guys need to sort this out. She doesn't want to cause a fight within you guys..." Yea... too late for that.. "And especially she doesn't want this to break up the band."

Kellin finally piped up saying "Well that wouldn't happen! I wouldn't let it!!"

He made me so mad sometimes. It's always all about Kellin. Kellin Kellin Kellin.

All of a sudden, Jesse started freaking out. He wasn't the type to do that, and I had never seen him this upset... Ever.

"Why do you people insist on making things difficult! She's gone through so much, and you can't even let her be! LET HER BE!!! I don't want to watch her hurt herself again! You guys think it kills you. I hate seeing it. I've come to think of her as a little sister now, and I won't let you guys make life any harder for her than it already is!" His fists were clenched, and his eyes grew wide.

I didn't need this. So I turned around, and walked away. Who was Jesse to tell me what to do? Kellin too. I'll do what I want. I heard their voices yelling for me, but I didn't care. I ignored them. I was surprised that they didn't come after me, but I was glad. I guess they didn't realize which way I was walking. I was walking the same way Hunter was.

This needed to be settled, because I was tired of this.

Hunter's POV

Jesse asked me if I would take a walk for a little bit while he talked to the guys. Relieved I didn't have to be there for it, I turned and walked away. It  gave me some time alone to think.

Why did they both fall for me? What's so special about me? Nothing... I don't get it. I'm so confused. I don't understand any of this. Why did this have to happen to me in the first place? What if I did kill myself a while ago... None of this would be happening. Sometimes I wish I did, sometimes I know I made the right choice not to. 

Thoughts raced through my mind, in and out, one by one. It was like a movie, playing in fast forward. But then the movie switched from my questions and wonderings, to that dreadful night. I wanted to press stop, but I just couldn't. It's like a bad accident; You just can't look away, no matter how much you want to. I just couldn't turn off my brain. 

But all of a sudden, I heard a voice calling my name. Justin? 

"Hunter! Wait! Please!" It was definately Justin... So I stopped where I stood. I waited for him. I saw him jogging over to me. As he got closer, I realized that he was not only alone, but he had tears falling down his cheeks. he was crying. I'd never seen Justin cry. Was I the reason he broke?  

"Hunter..." He looked into my eyes as he jogged up to me, standing close. Almost too close. 

"Justin. Hey. What..? Why..?" 

"Sssshhhh... Don't talk Hunter."

He tilted my head up gently with his finger, so I was looking directly up at him. I didn't realize how much taller he was until that moment. He closed his eyes and leaned in. My heart was racing and I was confused. This was all happening so fast. But his lips met mine, and they moved perfectly together. When he pulled away, he stepped back, and looked at me, and I knew what he was waiting for. He wanted me to tell him who I wanted to be with. He wanted me to say him. This was all so much. I was having difficulty processing all of this. 

I fell to the ground and sat down, my head sunk into my hands. I felt myself sobbing and shaking. I knew Justin was standing there, and I sensed that he really no idea what to do. It obviously wasn't the response he was expecting.

"Hunter. I...I didn't mean... to... to... I...I'm sorry.. I..." He stuttered and I felt his discomfort. 

I sniffed, but didn't reply. 

But then I felt his muscular arms wrapped around me from behind. He rested his head on top of mine, and sigh. 

"I'm sorry Justin. I'm not crying because of you. I'm just so confused and overwhelmed right now. I don't what to think." I was being honest.

But there was something there with Justin that wasn't there with Kellin. I didn't quite know what it was, but there was something. 

"Hunter, I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel bad, or stressed, or whatever. I just want... I want you Hunter. I've wanted you since the moment I saw you. And when I found out that Kellin was falling for you, I was crushed. But when you two got together, it killed me. It really did. I just want you to be happy, because that's truely all that matters. I just hope that... maybe you'd be happy with me."

I felt a tear fall onto my head, and I just started crying harder. What did I want? Who did I want? He rocked me back and forth, and held me close to him. My mind was spinning and my head was throbbing.

I had someone in my mind, but I didn't want anyone to be hurt. I hate seeing people hurt, let alone when I'm the one who hurts them...  

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