Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Hunter's POV (Flashback Thought)

The sky was blue and the birds were chirping and it was a picture perfect spring day. It was also Ronan's birthday. I looked over to the counter where I had neatly wrapped an album signed by RIck Ross I had spent hours trying to find on ebay. I spent most of my money on it, but it seemed worth it to me. I loved Ronan with all my heart. 

I knew he hated the music I was into and he never understood why I did the things I did. He honestly barely understood me at all. But he was always there for me when I needed him. 

I decided to surprise him so I drove over to his house. When I pulled into the driveway, another car was parked there. It wasn't his parents' car either. It was a new white BMW with cheetah print seats. I realized that it must have been his cousin because he had told me she was coming to visit on his birthday. I was excited to meet her. Pulling the key out of my pocket, I unlocked the door and walked in.

No one was in the living room or the kitchen. That was odd. I walked over to his room. The door was shut. I wanted to surprise him so I began to turn the knob. I opened the door. The box dropped to the floor as I stood in the doorway watching him lean in to kiss her with his hands all over her body. And she kissed him back. I breathed in deeply, barely believing what I was seeing. He must've heard me breathe, and he looked up. 

"Hunter... uh... What are you doing here? It's not what it looks like..." Ronan stuttered trying to cover for himself. But he knew he was busted. 

"Ronan.. I... How could... Why?" I fought back tears. I gave him 5 months of my life, and look what I got in return. 

"I don't have anything to say Hunter." He looked into my eyes and then looked back down. And that was it. I ran out of the house and drove home. I really truely loved him. And just like that, it was over. One minute I was walking in to give him a present I worked so hard to get, and then the next I found him cheating on me and "we" was no more.

I remember the exact feeling when I walked into my room. My razor was calling me. 

Oh Hunter... He cheated on you. He gave up on you. He doesn't love you anymore.

I know! I just can't believe it... After 5 months...

He probably never loved you. Wanna know why?


Because you're worthless, remember? Worthless, ugly, just, Hunter. How could he love you?

I don't know. You're probably right...

Aren't I always? Now, come to me Hunter. I'll never leave. You'll never let me. You love me too much to let me go. I love you Hunter. I love that you're worthless and ugly. I love it.


Come get me. Let me love you. I'll love you with my blade. You'll ove me with your blood. We'll be together. Not like you and Ronan anymore. You won't be with him any more. He cheated on you. Probably because you weren't what he wanted. So he found someone else better than you. Couldn't have been that hard. But come get me Hunter. I'm here for you.

I'll be right there...

I remember grabbing my razor blade and walking to the bathroom. I remember cutting so deep into my left arm the word WORTHLESS. Right next to the scars the read INSANE . On the other arm there was scars that said LOVE but was crossed out with another scar and then right underneath the word HATE. My right arm also said ANYWHERE BUT HERE. I loved carving words into my arms. Not only my arms but my sides too. I cut FAT into my right side and UGLY onto my left. 

I held my arm over the sink and watched the letters drip blood down the drain. I felt satisfied.

Looks like you got the job done. For now.

I guess so...

You'll be back for me sooner or later. 

I know... But I'm done right now...

I know Hunter. I know. For now.

Hunter's POV

We sat on the bus, Kellin's arm around me. Justin and Jack switched so Jack was driving. Jesse sat on the other side at a table with Justin playing cards. Justin kept glancing over, and I thought it was a bit strange. I huddled further into Kellin's arms. He was warm and comfortable. I wished I could just stay there forever. 

I looked up at Kellin sleepily. He looked down at me, and kissed my forehead. 

"Go to sleep if you want Hunter. It's been a long day for you." He whispered into my ear. I nodded my head, and layed it back on his chest. I fell asleep shortly after that, loving the feel of his strong arms wrapped around me. 

It was my 10th day on the bus with the band. 

Justin's POV

I asked Jack to drive for me. I knew I was too ticked off to drive, and I might end up hitting someone/ something. So I walked to the back, and Jesse asked me to play cards with him, so I sat down.

But looking over, there was Kellin. And Hunter. He had his arms wrapped around her as she lay on his lap curled up. Her hair fell perfectly over her face so you could just see her eyes fluttering as she tried to keep them open to stay awake. I don't know why, but I kept looking over at them. 

She looked up at him, and he looked down at her. He kissed her forehead and whispered something into her ear, and she lay her head back down on his chest, and I watched her eyes close slowly and fall asleep. I wanted to be where Kellin was. I wanted her to be laying in my lap. I wanted to be the one kissing her forehead. I wanted to be the one whispering into her ear and having her fall asleep on my chest. I couldn't take this much longer. She had only been here about 10 days, but it felt like forever. 

I knew that I had to do something. She was falling for Kellin, and I knew he was already head over heels for her. This had to be stopped. I couldn't let him have her. I knew it sounded selfish, but this girl... 

I planned out exactly what I was going to say. My facial expressions. Body language. Different answers for his possible responses. I needed to be ready. I didn't care that Kellin was like my brother. Brother's fight sometimes. I didn't want it to get physical. But brother's sometimes fist-fight. 

I had to be ready to fight, one way or another...

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