Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Kellin's POV

My eyes fluttered open, and my vision was blurry. I felt myself come to consciousness more and more, and I was beginning to see what was around me. I was in a bed, in a room painted with a light yellow  color, and there was one window on the wall to my right. There was a group of people standing around me, and I heard a beeping noise coming from something to the left of the bed. 

I heard whispers coming from the people, and then I heard someone run in, and felt them poking and prodding my arms, neck and sides. I flinched, and I heard someone crying. It sounded like a girl.

Who's crying? And why? Where am I? What's going on? 

I was extremely confused. I sat there for a moment, trying to remember the last thing that happened to me. I sat there and sat, but I couldn't remember anything. But then I heard someone whisper the name Hunter. And it all came back.

I was in a band called Sleeping with Sirens. I was in love with Hunter. So was Justin. We got in a fight, and things were so bad. I cut my wrist with a jagged rock I found, and now I'm here in a hospital. 

It didn't work. I'm still here...

But after what seemed like hours, I decided to open my eyes and try to talk. 

"Wh...wh...where...Hu...Hun...Hunt..." I couldn't get any stupid words to come out of my mouth. "I... I... I so... sorr... sorry..." Well I got one word out. Sort of...

"Kellin! Oh my gosh! You're alive! Oh my gosh! Guys look!" I heard Hunter's angelic voice and felt her embrace me. She just held me there for a moment and cried. I didn't mean to make her cry...

"Hi... Do...Don..." I sound like a little child.

"How are you feeling Mr. Quinn?" I heard a woman ask me. I sat up a bit and saw a middle aged woman, dressed in white. She had brown, straight hair, and brown eyes. Her lips were stained with a deep, red lipstick, and she wore no other makeup. Her name tag read, Susan. What a typical nurse name. 

"Oh..oh.. kay... Wa.. wa... wat... er..?" I was so thirsty, and my throat was so dry. I realized that this was one of the reasons I probably couldn't talk. 

"Oh! Of course!" She scurried off out the door, and I was left with the rest of the guys and Hunter. 

"Well... It's good to see you're alive Kel... We were getting worried that you weren't gonna pull through." Jesse's voice came from across the room, and I saw him sitting in one of the hospital chairs. 

"Ho...How... Lo...lo...Long... Wa...wa...was... I..."

"Unconscious? About two weeks..." Jack was sitting on the end of the bed, his legs crossed lotus style. 

The nurse came running back in the room, and handed me a bottle of water. She unscrewed the cap and handed it to me. I grabbed it, and let the cool water run down my throat. Some of it dribbled down my face and off of my chin, but I didn't care. It felt so good everywhere, and I felt like I could actually say something again. So I tried.

"That long? Oh man..." Yes! I can talk again!

"Why Kellin? Why?" Hunter was still bent over me crying. 

Truth is, I didn't exactly know why. I looked down at my wrists, and saw them both stitched up, with bits of dry blood still lingering. I was just hurting (emotionally) too much, and I was tired of it. I didn't want to deal with it any longer. It just seemed easier. At the time...

Justin's POV

I watched him stir, and watched Hunter run over to him and hug him as she cried. A nurse came in and then ran out again to get him water. When she got back, he drank it, and could actually spit a few words out. 

I just stood in the corner of the room and watched all of this lay out. My hands were in my pocket, and I turned and stared out the window. It was rainging, really hard. I watched a bolt of lightning tear through the sky, and then heard thunder rumbling from above. It seemed to shake the hospital room a bit. 

What was he thinking. Did he even care about how it would affect us? The band? Hunter? I felt bad, sure, but I was also a little ticked off. Did he really think that killing himself would make anything better or easier for anyone? No. He wasn't thinking about the consequences, and how it would affect everyone else. What about our fans? What would they do if they found out? Some of these people depend on our music to get them through tough times, and if we weren't there, what would happen to them?

All I wanted was for things to go back to the way they were. Well, almost. I wanted Hunter to be with me. But now, everything would be different. Hunter would probably end up with Kellin now. And I would end up being the "bad guy" and everything would be my fault and everyone would hate me. Fantastic.

"Hey, you doing okay?" Hunter walked over and grabbed my arm. She turned and leaned her head on my arm, and looked out the window with me.

I looked over, and saw  tears running down her soft face. They hit the ground one by one, and she sniffed a few times, wiping her nose with her sleeve. I reached over to the table that was next to me, and handed her a tissue. She looked into my eyes, then grabbed it and blew her nose. She sigh deeply, and rubbed her eyes. She was a mess, but she still looked so beautiful. I needed her. I needed her like living things need oxygen. I couldn't let her go... 

"Ssshhh Hunter. I know. I know. It's okay. He's... he's okay now... I promise." I wrapped my arms aound her, and held her. She cried softly into my chest, and I felt my shirt getting wet. But it was okay. I didn't care. I felt a tear slide down my face and quickly wiped it away. Why was I crying? I had no idea... 

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