Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

2 Years Later

Kellin's POV

"Hunter! Come here! The phone's for you!" I stared at my beautiful wife as she walked down the stairs of our new house, carrying my baby girl in her tummy. She was so beautiful, even wearing old sweatpants and her round belly. 

"Who is it?" 

"Uhmmmm... Not exactly sure."

"Okay? Just gimme the phone." She smiled and snatched the phone out of my hands, shooing me away to the living room.

A few minutes later, I heard her gasp, and then start crying. I ran into the kitchen to see what was wrong. And there she was, curled up in a ball, lying on the kitchen floor, crying. I bent down, and put my hand on her back. She flinched, and shook, and it brought me back to the first time I had seen her. When we had just found her, and brought her into out bus.I remembered watching her sleep, and touching her shoulder. She flinched and shivered, like she had just now...

"Baby, what's wrong? Who was that? What happened?"

She sobbed and pushed me away as I came closer.

"Hunter. What happened?"

"He... He... He... They released him from jail. He called from a payphone. He wants to see me. I... I can't... Kellin. I don't know... Kellin...." She cried and cried, and I reached over, and held her tightly. I felt her shaking and I stroked her hair, trying to calm her down.

"It's okay. We'll figure this out. I promise. It'll be okay. I promise. You just have to calm down. It'll be okay. Ssshhhh baby..."

How could they let him out? It's not right. He can't come see us. How'd he get our number? So many questions ran through my mind and I sat there with Hunter on the kitchen floor, rocking back and forth. 

"Kellin.?" She sniffed, wiping her nose on my shirt. I chuckled a bit, she was so cute. Even when she was crying, she always could make me smile someway, somehow.

"Yes my love?"

"Can we order a pizza?"


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