Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Hunter! Come on baby! It's time for church! We're gonna be late! You're mother and I are waiting!" 

"I'm coming Daddy! I'm putting my shoes on!" It was Sunday. Time for church. I looked forward to Sundays because we'd go to church as a family, sit together in service, and we'd just be together quietly.

I loved sitting on my daddy's lap listening to the Pastor talk about Jesus. I hated writing as a child, so instead of taking notes, I'd draw pictures about what I thought the Pastor was talking about. It kept me busy and interested. After church, we'd go home, and I would tell Mommy and Daddy about what I drew and what I thought about the sermon.

"That's wonderful sweetie! It's beautiful!" My mother would tell me. She'd smile and find a magnet to hang up my newest church masterpiece on the refrigerator. 

"Are you ready for our movie Hunter?" My daddy and I would always watch a movie on Sunday in the afternoon, while Mommy made a big pot roast dinner. This week we were going to watch Charlotte's Web. He'd put in the DVD, and pull me close to him on the couch. His strong arms were wrapped around me, and I felt like nothing in this world could ever hurt me. When I was in his arms I felt so protected and loved. We'd snuggle together, and he'd usually fall asleep halfway through.

"Daddy!! You're snoring again!" I'd kick him playfully and he'd wake up and laugh. 

"Well oh my goodness! What did I miss?!?" He'd act so interested for a few more minutes, and then fall asleep again. He snored, but it was ok. I didn't really mind it. 

"Dinner my angels!" Mommy would yell from the kitchen. We'd always try to sneak in without washing our hands, but she always knew, and made us go wash up. Somehow Daddy got past her a few times, but I never did. Pot roast with carrots, onions, gravy, mashed potatoes, and buiscuts. Daddy always drank milk, Mommy drank water, and I always drank apple juice. 

"Hunter. You need to go to bed! It's getting late!" By the time dinner was done and I had gotten my bath (yes I still bathed at 10), it was almost 8:30. I was young, and my parents wanted me to have a good nights rest. Back when they actually cared...

I crawled into bed wearing my Cinderella pajama's, and Mommy would come in to kiss me goodnight. Then Daddy would come in and kiss my forehead. He'd sit at the end of my bed and sing to my softly until I fell asleep. Something he made up.

My little angel, close your eyes.

We love you so much, we won't ever have goodbyes.

You are our world. Our everything.

Daddy would still buy you a diamond ring.

We'll keep you from harm. 

No one will touch a hair on your perfect little arm.

Close your eyes little angel. 

Go to sleep my baby girl.


And just like that, I would be asleep. He'd tiptoe slowly out of my room, and walk down the hall to where Mommy was laying in bed. He'd kiss her goodnight, and then the lights would go out. We were so happy. Such a good family. Almost what you could call a "poster-board family." But then... Well, you know what happened...

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