Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

I was praying to God to help me. Praying that someone would walk by and help me. But no one did. Not to my knowledge anyway... And it was horrible. 

They took my car somewhere, and I was alone. I curled up in a ball in the corner of the alley. But I couldn't cry. The tears just wouldn't come out. So I slept.

I awoke to the sun shining in my face. The rain had let up, and I was trying to collect myself and remember what exactly what had happened. I was so sore, and I could barely walk. I slowly crawled towards the sidewalk and the street, but collapsed as I got to the sidewalk. I was exausted. I saw people's feet walking away from me, to the other side of the street and around me. No one wanted to help me, and I just didn't understand why. Didn't they see I was hurting? Didn't they see I was barely clothed? Didn't they see... me? But no one stopped, and I just layed there on the sidewalk, wishing I was dead.

Justin's POV

Kellin was in the front driving, and me and the rest of the guys were all sitting in the back. We were playing I spy. (I know, corny and little kid-ish, but we had to do something to keep ourselves busy!) We were on tour, and were driving through this small town, which looked like it needed some fixing up. It looked like one of those places that was really dangerous to walk around in at night. Houses were falling apart, with cracked windows and wood decaying. Many of them were boarded up. The roads had many potholes in them, and there were liquor stores and bars all over the place. I began to say, "I spy with my little eye, something gre..." And then I saw her.

"Dude... what? What?!?" Jesse said poking me in the arm. "Dudeeeee....!"

I saw her. She was just lying there on the side of the road. Her clothes were ripped apart, and she looked exausted and hurt. She was breathing heavy, and was crying. Her black hair was in knots. But through the mess she was in, I saw her beauty. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. And she was just laying there on the sidewalk. People walked to the other side of the street and around her. They glanced down at her, but didn't stop or ask her if she needed help. No one called an ambulance or the police. No one cared. But I did...

"KELLIN!!! STOP!!! STOP THE CAR!!!" I screamed at him.

"What?!? Why?!? Justin, what the hell? What?!?" He was so confused and had no clue what I was talking about, but he jammed on the breaks anyway. "Dude. What? What could be so important that you had me jam on the breaks?" I looked at them, then out the window, and pointed at the girl.

"Oh...Well, get out of the bus guys! Get out now and help her! NOW!" Kellin yelled as he open the bus door and began running over to her. I was already in front of him, and skidded to a halt at her side and knelt down. I touched her side, and she quivered. She didn't look up, just shook and stared at the ground. I was afraid for her. I scooped her up in my arms and brushed her hair out of her face. 

"Who... who? Why...? Please don't... I... Don't do it anymore... Please... Just kill me instead... Don't." She whispered softly. Her eyes were green and orange around the outside. They were beautiful. They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I carried her back to the bus, and walked straight past the rest of the guys saying nothing. I just listened to her terrified mumbles. "Sssshhhhh... sssshhhh. Sweetie, it's okay. You're safe now. Ssssshhhh..."

Kellin's POV

All I heard was Justin in the back of the bus running up to the front screaming at me to stop the bus. So I jammed on the breaks and the bus skidded to a halt.

"Justin, what the hell? What?!? What could be so important that you had me jam on the breaks?" I was expecting him to say that he saw a puppy or something, but then he pointed out the window. I followed his finger, and saw her. Her black hair was in tangles, and her clothes were barely there. She looked terrified and frightened, and no one was stopping to help her. Not even to call anyone who could help. She was georgous. Although she was tired and a mess, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She needed help. Now.

I told the guys to get the hell out of the bus and help her. We all took off running, but Justin was way ahead of us. I saw him bend down next to her, and touch her side softly. I saw her shake. She was horrified and terrified. I stopped and told the guys to let Justin get her, because I figured too many people at once would drive her over the edge (if she wasn't there already). He picked her up, and began carrying her to the bus, walking straight past us. As he walked, I heard her whispering into his chest.

"No... Please... Stop. Kill me then... Don't. Not again... I.. I can't take it... Just kill me then. No.. no.. no... don't." My heart ached. Somebody had scarred this beautiful girl, and had left her there to die. What kind of monster could do that to her... To anyone...?

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