Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

Hunter's POV

It was finally the day for Kellin to get out of the hospital, and back on tour. We had all stayed on the bus, and kept in parked in the hospital parking lot. We spent our days playing guitar, singing, and playing cards and board games. But I realized that Justin barely looked at Kellin at all, and it worried me. 

"Well, Mr. Quinn, it's time for you to be discharged. You can leave when you're ready." The brown haired nurse said as she happily walked into the room. She smiled, and asked Kellin a few more questions about how he was feeling, wrote a few things down on a piece of paper, and left.

"Well guys, thanks for sticking it out with me. I really appreciate it. Like you have no idea..." He looked around at each of us and smiled weakly. 

"Yea, well, you know you're gonna have to go to therapy Kellin. They're not just going to let you go that easy." Justin crossed his arms, and glared at him. 

Kellin looked around at each of us nervously, and I wondered how that would work, since we'd always be on the road. He got up out of bed, and slid his Toms on his feet. We packed up a few things and walked down the hall to check him out. As soon as the papers were signed, he ran outside and stood, just taking in the fresh air, breathing heavily and smiling widely.

We all walked onto the bus, and we were all getting some things together when we heard a knock on the door.

"Uhmmmm... Who's that?" I asked. Everyone looked puzzled, and we all watched as Jesse walked over to the door.

He opened it, revealing a small framed, blonde young woman, looking about 23. She had blonde hair with some light brown highlights in it, pulled back into a tight bun on the top of her head. She had black, rectangular shaped glasses covering her ice blue eyes, and wore a matching navy skirt and jacket, with a white, ruffled blouse underneath. Her red heels clicked together as she walked. She had full, red lipstick covered lips, and had only a bit of eyeliner on, with some natural color eyeshadow topping off her eyes.  Honestly, she was really beautiful behind all of the professional crap, and could be a model. She looked like she was an official... something, and we were all wondering who, and what she was. 

"Um... Hi. My name is Miranda Sullivan. I was sent over by the doctors in the physciatric ward to be... Mr. Kellin Quinn's therapist. I was told that I have to travel along with you guys because you are on some kind of tour or something." I watched her sway back and forth and cross her legs. She looked kind of nervous, and I noticed the few suitcases sitting behind her as she stood there.

"Well, I guess, welcome? You can uh... just put your stuff in the closet towards the back. We don't exactly have any extra bunks so you can either sleep on the couch or maybe bunk with Hunter? She's a friend of the band..." Jesse looked at me questionally, and I looked at the woman who called herself Miranda. From just looking at her, I could tell I wasn't going to like her. 

"Well, it's alright. I suppose I'll just sleep on the couch. I don't want to be in the way. I'm here to make life better for Kellin, and help him as much as I can." She smiled awkwardly, as Jesse got out of the way of the door and she grabbed her bags and walked in. Jack pointed towards the couch, and she set her bags down and put some of the things under the couch. The rest of the stuff she put in the closet. She had a huge bag full of pens, pencils, notebooks, papers, and other office supplies. 

"Alright well, I'm Jesse. That's Justin, Jack, Hunter, Gabe, and Hunter. And you obviously know Kellin." Jesse pointed to each of us, and we all smiled awkwardly at her. We all knew that this was going to be weird for everyone. 

But I look at Kellin for a minute, and watched him. His eyes followed her every move. He was checking her out, and I could tell. Something was building up inside me, and I wasn't quite sure what to think of it yet...

Justin's POV

Jesse opened the door, and some woman was standing there. She looked about our age, but she was dressed like she was in her mid 30's-40's. You could tell from behind her uptight attire, she was very pretty, but she didn't faze me. Hunter was still more beautiful in my opinion. 

I watched her shift uncomfortably as she explained who she was and why she was here. "Um... Hi. My name is Miranda Sullivan. I was sent over by the doctors in the physciatric ward to be... Mr. Kellin Quinn's therapist. I was told that I have to travel along with you guys because you are on some kind of tour or something." Well that made sense. I glanced behind her and saw that there were a few suitcases there. It looked like she would be with us for a while. 

She steeped inside and set her stuff down on the couch and unpacked. I looked at Kellin, and I saw  the he was basically staring at her. I glanced over at Hunter, and I could tell by the look on her face that she was jealous.

Was this my chance? Would Kellin fall for this new therapist and I'd have Hunter all to myself? No... This woman seemed to sophistacated for Kellin, and didn't seem like the type to intertwine work and social life. 

I walked over to Hunter, and grabbed her arm gently. I pulled her to the other side of the bus and let go of her. I gazed into her eyes. 

"Hunter. Are you alright with this?" I asked her.

"I mean... Yea. Sure. If it helps Kellin, then that's all that matters I guess. I'm fine. Seriously."

I looked deeper into her eyes. Those beautiful, big eyes. They sparkled like the stars.

"Justin. I'm fine! I swear!" 

I stared discontly at her even more. I knew she was lying.

"Justin. I. Am. Fine. I'm not playing with you. I'm fine, and that's it. End of story. Alright?"

Yea sure Hunter. Whatever you say. I rolled my eyes. "Ok Hunter fine." I said as I turned and began walking away to my bunk. 

"Excuse me? Don't you walk away from me Justin Hills!" I heard her stomping her feet as she followed behind me. I ignored her and just kept walking, and layed down on my bed. She stormed over and stood over me, hands on her hips, scowling down. Her hair fell into my face and she stared angrily into my eyes. She was so beautiful. And might I add, pretty sexy when she was angry. I just wanted to kiss her.

"Oh calm down Hunter." I chuckled closing my eyes.

"Calm down? Calm down? Why?" She was getting more and more aggrivated with me and I wasn't exactly sure why, but I found it funny. I listened to her rant on and on.

But then somehow, my arms had a mind of their own. They grabbed her and pulled her down on top of me. My lips started getting closer to hers, and although she protested for a breif second, she stopped when our lips met. They moved perfectly in time with one another as we lay there on my bunk. I loved the feel of our lips together. I loved having her close. I loved her. Period. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she lay on top of me, and she put her arms around my neck. Sparks flew like crazy, and I felt something that wasn't there the first time we kissed. I wasn't sure what it was. But it was amazing. 

I wanted to just stay like that forever. I never wanted to leave that  bed. Never wanted to stop kissing her. Never wanted to stop loving her. But then, 

"Ummm... What? What's going on? Hunter? Justin?" Really Kellin? Now?

Fantastic... Here he comes...

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