Chapter Thirty

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Kellin's POV

I was watching this unfold right in front of me.

"So you think you can just leave and it'll all be fine with me, and I won't care?! You really are an idiot. Like, why would you even think you can run from me, and get away with it?!?" He was screaming at her. I could smell the smoke and alcohol on him, and I was standing feet away from him. I couldn't imagine the stench that was filling up Hunter's lungs.

But then... He grabbed her arm and smacked her in the face. Hard. He had rings on each finger, and it cut the side of her precious face. She was bleeding, and he laughed. He laughed. He grabbed her hair with his other free hand and picked her up, and flung her to the floor. I watched as he hit her over and over again. She wasn't yelling though. She grunted every once in a while, and let out an occasional yelp, but no screaming. 

I was just standing there, not knowing what to do. What was I supposed to do? It felt like I was in a trance, and my feet were nailed to the floor. 

All of a sudden, he punched her in her gut, and she let out a blood curtling scream.

Then, something snapped. Someone turned on the lightswitch. All the memories came flooding back. From the time seeing Hunter laying on the side of the road, to storming out of the bus, and seeing headlights. I remembered kissing her, and I remembered thinking she was the most perfect girl I had ever seen. I remembered it all.

This is her father. This is the man she ran away from. He's who started her life of pain.

 He smiled and stood over her crumpled body, gasping for breath. His back was facing me, and I charged at him. I leaped onto his back and pulled his hair, bit his hands that were trying to grab me, and hitting hm anywhere I could from that angle. He spun in circles, trying to get a hold of me to throw me off. I jumped off of him and ran to the front of him. He grabbed my wrist and I kicked him right where it hurts. He bent over in pain, and I punched him right in his nose. He screamed, and I watched the blood pour off his face. I began rapidly punching him in th face  and gut, and he started backing up, getting weaker and weaker. I kicked him again in his crotch, and he fell to the ground. I kicked him once in the gut, and watched him. He was gasping for breath, just like Hunter was.

Hunter's POV

How did he find me?!? How was this happening?!? What's going on?!? 

A million things raced through my mind, as he glared at me. I was afraid, and didn't know what to do. I just didn't know what was happening, and I was so confused.

"So you think you can just leave and it'll all be fine with me, and I won't care?! You really are an idiot. Like, why would you even think you can run from me, and get away with it?!?" He screamed in my face. 

The stench of smoke and alcohol was overwhelming, and I wanted to just pass out from that.

But then, he grabbed my arm, and hit me in my fcae, with a ring on each finger. I felt the blood trickle down my face, but I said nothing. He grabbed my hair and threw me to the ground, and I grunted. I sat there and took the abuse like a man. But then he punched me in the gut, and I screamed in agony. I crumpled to the ground, and saw his shadow standing over me. 

He suddenly yelped, and started to spin in rapid circles, and I watched Kellin bite and hit him as he jumped on his back.

I didn't wat to watch this. I crawled over to the bathroom. My only safe place.

Kellin's POV

"Don't you ever.. ever, hit that girl again. Or this, this will be a normal occurance. You will never see daylight again, I swear. I dialed 9-1-1 and told them what had happened, and in only a few minutes, they were there, handcuffing him and taking him away. 

I looked over to where Hunter had been laying, but she wasn't there...

"Hunter?! Hunter where are you?!?" Crap...

I walked over to the bathroom. Knowing very well what had happened, but praying to God it wasn't what I thought it was. I opened the door slowly, and saw her. She was laying on the ground, her wrists slit open, blood surrounding her, and still gushing. 

"Hunter! Hunter no!" I screamed and ran to her, sitting beside her limp body. I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs, and crumpled over her body. 

This was all my fault. It was this time. I hadn't gone over to her first, which is what I should've done. What was I thinking?! That's it, I wasn't thinking. I laid my head on her chest and let the tears slide down my cheeks, and fall onto her shirt. 

The vision of my sister came back to me once again. Only this time, it was Hunter. The girl I never wanted to leave my side. The girl I saved. The girl that saved me back. She taught me how to love. How to hate. How to have feelings, and not be numb to the world.

She was my emotion. My world. And even though she chose Justin, just the thought of her in the morning was enough to get me out of bed. 

I remembered seeing her that first time, dying on the side of the road, and swerving over to see what had happed. I felt th guilt of listening in to her and Jesse's conversation all over again, and also the shock of what her story was. I thought back to our fist kiss, and how it warmed me like a summer's day, and how it brought all ofthe dead things inside me back to life. I thought of every moment we spent together. And I cried. I slumped over her, and she layed there, lifeless as a ragdoll. 

"Why God, why?!?" I screamed through the tears. I layed back down on her chest. And I noticed something I hadn'tnoticed before.Behind her ear was a tattoo. I pushed her hair aside out of the way. And there, was a name. My name. The tattoo had been fairly new too. I stood up and ounched the wall behind me. My knuckles bled, but I didn't care anymore.

The pain felt good. Great actually. I wished I was dead. I looked down, and saw the razor in her hand, still covered in blood. I uncurled her lifeless fingers and grabbed the razor. This was it. It ends here. I brought the razor to my wrist. I put the corner if it on the left side, and closed my eyes. 

But then I heard it. She heaved, and then was quiet again. I dropped the raaor to the ground and picked up her body, kicking open the door, running back into the hospital. I ran up the stairs, past all the nurses and doctors, and right back to the room I had been staying in. I layed her on the bed, and looked at all the guys faces. They're eyes were buldging out of their heads, and were speechless. 

I ran back, and stood by the doorway. "Someone get me a doctor! NOW!!!!!"

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