Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"You're the reason she left you know! It was always your fault!" The same speech. Every night. "You're such a dissapointment! You'll never amount to anything!" A sharp pain hit my arm and left it stinging. I kept quiet but I could feel tears filling my eyes. The blanket was ripped off of me and I was thrown across the room. I felt my entire body shake as it hit the wall and fall to the ground. I crawled to the corner and sat there huddled in a ball hugging my knees. I felt myself shaking harder and harder as each second passed. 

"What a coward. You're just like her. I see your face and I see her. That kills me. It makes me want to just kill you. Because I see... her." Another kick in the stomach. I gasped for breath but I could barely manage. I didn't dare cry or say anything. I didn't dare fight back. I didn't dare move. I barely dared breathing. I was scared. I knew I should be used to it because this was every night. However, I was just waiting for the night that he goes too far, and maybe ends up killing me. I've had dreams where that's happened.

"You've had enough? Really? Are you sure?" I was kicked in the back of the head. I let out a small wimper by accident and immediately knew that was a big mistake. "Oh hun! You said something?! Well, now that's not good!" He pulled my hair and turned my head around so I was looking into his eyes. "I'll rip this black hair right out of your little head. Watch yourself girl. Watch yourself." He whispered into my face. I could smell the putridness of the alcohol and smoke on his breath. He just stared into my eyes and then smiled and threw me across the room by my hair. As I lay on the floor, I heard his footsteps walk dizzily out of my room and down the hall. I heard a door slam and I knew I was now by myself for a little bit. 

"God. If you're out there. Please. I need someone. Anyone. I need someone to help me. I'm scared. I miss my mom. I miss the way my dad was. I miss the family we used to be. I want my life back!" I sobbed into my pillow. 

I looked out the window. There was two owls in the tree right outside of it. The mother owl wrapped her wings around her little baby, and the two fell asleep under the moonlight. What seemed to be the father owl, flew into the tree and wrapped his wings around the mother and fell asleep too. Why can even animals make a better family than us?

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