Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Hunter's POV

I took a few minutes to study each of the guys thoroughly and carefully. I knew them. Not knew them, but knew who they were. And they were all there. Gabe Barham, Jack Fowler, Jesse Lawson, Justin Hills, and Kellin Quinn. It was Sleeping with Sirens. These guys have saved my life. Not just their music anymore, but actually THEM. I truely could not believe what was happening. I opened my eyes, and saw Justin looking at me. I was startled, and jumped a little bit.

He looked at me and smiled. "It's ok. You're safe now. They're not gonna hurt you anymore. I'll never let them." His eyes were soft and kind. His muscles buldged out of his shirt, but not abnoxiously. His presence was calming, and I liked that.

"None of us would let them."Kellin piped in from across the room. He jumped up from the chair he was sitting on and stood by my side. He looked down at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. II quickly pulled the blanket that someone had laid on top of me over my body. I still hadn't said a word to any of them. I couldn't even make out a "thank you."

"So, what's your name hun?" Kellin asked me.

"Hun..Hunt...Hunter." I stuttered. Oh great, now your're gonna sound like an obsessed fan girl that can't even speak to them. I thought to myself.

"Hunter... I like that name. It's different." Justin complimented. He then realized that I was very aware of the fact that I really had no clothes, and he told me to wait for a minute. I watched him run off to the back of the bus, and then come back out with a pair of black jeans, and a red Sleeping with Sirens shirt with an anchor on the front. He placed them on my lap and told me the bathroom was in the back and was the door on the left. I nodded at him and got up slowly. My whole body still ached, and I was confused, So... so confused. But I walked to the bathroom, and let the blanket fall to the ground. I saw myself in the mirror. Ohmygoodness... I knew I looked bad, but this was horrific. My mascara was down my face, and my hair was in knots. My shirt was ripped open and was barely there, as well as my jeans being absolutely destroyed. My converse still looked decent though. I yanked off the remains of my old clothes, and pulled on the jeans. I put the shirt on and looked into the mirror. 

"There's an extra bush, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and some towels and soap under the sink!" Kellin yelled from down the hall. I yelled back thanks, and opened the cabinet door. I grabbed a towel, some soap, the brush and toothbrush and placed them on top of the sink. Just as I was about to close the cabinet door, I saw it. Just sitting there, shiny and new. A beautiful razor.

Look at me. I'm new. That means I'm sharper. I can make you bleed more.

I know. I see you. I know what you're capable of. 

Then use me. You just endured so much. Don't you need to relieve some of that stress? Take out some of that pain, anger and confusion? You're a coward, remember? You can''t actually solve your problems, can you?

No... I can't. I do need to relieve some of this. I need to see blood. I need to...

I knew you did. I knew it. You're not strong enough to say no my love. And I don't think you ever will be.

I know. You're right.

I grabbed it and held it in my hand for a minute. It was so new. So perfect. I took it and pressed it against my skin and drug it down my arm. I watched as the blood collected around the cut, and watched it drip down and onto the floor. Small droplets of red were surrounding me. I touched my arm gently, and lifted my finger. I felt the warmness of the blood, and stared at it's crimson color. It felt so good. So right. So wrong. I sigh, and looked back down at the blade.

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