Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Hunter's POV

I heard what seemed to be a bus come to a screeching halt across the street. I didn't care. I thought maybe a child had just run into the road or something. But then I heard feet. Multiple people's feet. And their breathing was heavy, and getting closer and closer. I was afraid. I curled into a tighter ball and closed my eyes once again. I felt someone's presence come up next to me and kneel down beside me. A hand touched my side, and my whole body shook violently. My first thought was that the men had come back to take me away and "dispose" of me somewhere so the police wouldn't see me. 

My body heaved as it was lifted up by the person that was next to me. I could tell it was a man. It was one of two things; 1. I was being taken away by the men from last night, or 2. I was dead and an angel was picking me up. However, i realized I was still in pain therefore, I was still alive. I was whispering for whomever it was to not take me, and to just kill me, and to not do it again. But he began shushing me quietly, telling me I was going to be alright. His voice was different from the men the night before. It was firm, but soft. Strong, but caring. He held me tenderly in his arms. I buried my face in his chest. He smelled like Old Spice deodorant and root beer. I continued mumbling my pleads, but somehow I felt like I was safe with him and whomever the other people were that were with him. 

He brought me into what I think was the bus that screeched to a stop earlier, and laid me down on a cushioned seat. It was comfortable, and I feel asleep immeadiately. 

I dreamed I was a little girl again. I dreamed that I was with my mommy and daddy and we were all sitting in the park having a picnic. We were all laughing and smiling and having a great time. But then all of a sudden, I grew up almost instantaniously, and then my mommy looked at me, and then  got up and walkde over to my father. She gave him the scariest look I had ever seen, and then she turned into a vulture. She scratched my father's arms and then she flew off with another vulture. My father looked so angry. So hurt. He looked at me, and then looked away. He then transformed into a ferocious tiger, and began to growl in my direction. I was running. Fast. I was sweating, and I was screaming. All of a sudden, he pounced on me and was looking down in my face, his sharp teeth an inch away from my face, blood dripping out of his mouth. Just as it seemed he was about to go in for the kill, I woke up. My palms were sweaty, and I think I woke up with a scream. I was sweating all over and there were tears streaming down my face. 

I looked around to see where I was and whom I was with. There were five guys in the room. Two of them were playing a card game, another was reading a book, a different one was writing in what seemed to be a journal, and the last one had his computer on his lap, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"Did you hear her? She just screamed... But I think she fell back asleep." Said the one with his laptop.

"Yea, poor thing probably is having a nightmare... Let her rest..." Said one of the two playing cards.

They didn't realize I was awake yet. I squinted my eyes so it appeared that my eyes were still closed. I examined each of them. I began to process their faces.... But... No... I might be dreaming... But I was still in pain... Was I really...? How did they...? Was I really here with them.? Them?!?

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