Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Jesse's POV

I heard screaming coming from both Kellin and Justin, and I knew that hell was about to break lose. I pulled over to the side of the road and stomped to the back of the bus. 

"What is wrong with you people?! You're going to upset Hunter! You know she doesn't deal with people well, let alone screaming ones!" They stopped and stared at me, looking ashamed and pissed off at the same time. They both looked like they wanted to cry, but kill someone too. 

"But... but... she... Hunter, she... her... but..." Kellin couldn't even begin to speak, and I knew something was really wrong.

"Justin, what happened?" He looked into my eyes, and then put his head down, crossing his arms to his chest. 

"Ask her yourself... I can't talk about it anymore." He turned and walked away. I was scared. What happened?

My legs carried my quickly to the bathroom, where I heard the shower running. I knew she was in there, and I needed to see her. Now.

"Hunter. Open the door." No answer... "Hunter." I knocked on the door. "Hunter!!" I began banging on the door. Still no answer. I was getting extremely worried so I burst through the door, and I heard her scream. At least she was there...

"Jesse!!! What are you doing?!?" She poked her head out of the shower curtain, her hair soaked with shampoo in it. 

"What happened Hunter. Why is everyone flipping out. I can't deal with this. Not now. We have a show soon, and I don't understand why everyone is on edge, you too."

"It's nothing Jesse. Don't worry about it. Seriously."

"No. Hunter, you have to tell me. I'm not leaving until you do."


"Oh, and may I remind you that you are also standing in the shower, and all of the towels are out here with me."

She rolled her eyes at me and dissapeared back into the shower. I heard her sigh, but it was a shaky sigh, as if she was starting to cry. She sniffed, and I knew she was. 

"I... I have a problem..." She started. "I still... I... I did it again."

Oh man... No she didn't... She couldn't have... "Hunter, did what?"



"I cut."

Now it was my turn to be silent. I heard her weeping from behind the shower curtain. I had come to think of Hunter as a little sister. It killed me to see her like this. I saw a towel on the floor, and I picked it up and threw it over the shower bar. I heard the water turn off, and then she pulled the curtain back. She was wrapped in the towel, her hair soaked. She looked at me, tears in her eyes. I opened my arms to her, and she collapsed into them. She sobbed and sobbed into my chest, both her hair and her tears soaking me. 

"Jesse... I just don't want to live anymore... I hate this. I wish I would just die." She mumbled.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek, and I couldn't wipe it away because Hunter was tangled in my arms. Although she was only in a towel, I knew that neither of us felt awkward. It was one of those times. So we just sat there, on the bathroom floor, entangled together, crying. It was sad. Pitiful almost. 

I hated those men in the alley. I hated her father. I hated her mother. I hated anyone who had ever hurt her. I wanted them to pay for what they had done. If they could see what they had done to her, they wouldn't be able to live with themselves. And if they could, there is something incredibly wrong there. Incredibly wrong. 

 Kellin's POV

I couldn't believe it. She did it again. I hate seeing her like this. It kills me inside. Jesse came over to try to calm Justin and I down, and when he asked me what was wrong, I couldn't even get any words out. Justin didn't want to talk to Jesse about it. He shouldn't care so much. It's okay for him to care about her, but not care as much as he does. That's my job. She's mine. Not his. And he has to deal with that because nothing is gonna change. He needed to know his place. 

I looked all over the bus for him, but he wasn't anywhere I looked. I figured he went to take a walk to try to calm down when he walked away. I pried the door open and walked out, shutting it quietly behing me. Almost instantly, I saw the small figure of Justin walking in the distance. 

"Justin!" I screamed. He didn't hear me... "Justin!!!" Nothing. "JUSTIN!!!!!" I saw the figure stop. He turned around. But he didn't walk towards me. Just waited there for me to come to him. So I did. But I ran.

I was not only upset about Hunter, but I was pissed at Justin. I knew what he thought of her. I was in denial though. I didn't want to believe it. He was like my brother, and I cared a great deal for Hunter. He couldn't, wouldn't take her away from me. I wouldn't let him. I got closer and closer to him, and when I could see his face, it worried me. He looked surprised that I was so angry, but he also looked angry himself. Sad too. 

"What Kellin..."

"We... need... to talk..." I panted.

"Ok shoot. I'm really not in the mood, so watch what you say."

"Well then brace yourself Justin. Cause this isn't going to make you happy..."

"Well fantastic..."

"Alright look man... I know what you think about Hunter. I know how you feel about her. I just didn't want to believe it. I really didn't. Because you're like my brother. You're my bandmate. But I care a huge amount about Hunter. You can't take her away from me. I won't let you. She's mine. You can care when she's hurt, but not care as if you're her boyfriend. That's my job. Not yours. I'm not willing to give her up. So back off. I'm serious. She doesn't need this right now.

I saw the anger welling up inside him as I spoke. I was getting scared... I knew what he was capable of physically...

"Kellin..." He whispered quietly, "You have no idea what she needs right now."

"Oh but I do Justin. You wouldn't know." Now I was just getting irritated with him.

Then he started yelling at me... But it wasn't the kind of yelling he had done in the bus. No, this was the scary kind, that would make a grown man cry. That would scare anyone who crossed their path. That scared me. 

"No Kellin! I love her! I don't care what you think! I saw her first, and then you did. AFTER ME! The only reason she's with you and not with me is because I had the decency to try to let her get over her trauma, but no, not you! Kellin Quinn sees something he wants, and he has to get it, no matter what anyone else thinks, including the person he wants! You may say that you care about her and what she's going through, but honestly, inside, you could care less. If you cared, you would have let her figure out what's going on, and let her take time for herself. But again, whatever Kellin wants, Kellin gets!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Is this what Justin really thought? But he admitted it. He admitted that he loved her. And that wasn't okay with me. Now I really knew how he felt. He made me sound like a spoiled little child.

I didn't know what to think. My head was spinning. I was so confused and I couldn't get any more words to come out of my mouth. So I just stared angrily into his eyes... 

"Kellin! Justin! Stop!" I heard a voice from behind us in the distance. Hunter... I thought. I knew it was her. I turned, and I saw her small figure running to us. But there was another figure running next to her.

It was Jesse. 

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