Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I was sitting on the swing outside. I was 7 years old. I heard my mom and dad inside yelling at each other. Again. I wondered why they couldn't just get along. My friends parents all seemed so happy all the time, and mine... just fought constantly.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" I heard my dad scream at my mother through tears.

"Many reasons! I'm done!" She screamed back. I heard a crash and knew that something else had been thrown and broken, and that when this was all over, I had to run in and clean it all up again. My mom had threatened to leave many times, but never actually did. After each fight, she'd come and sit down with me and tell me that she loved me and nothing could ever change that. The front door slammed and I knew that my mother had left again to calm down, so I dismounted my swing and hobbled inside.My dad was sitting at the table with his head in his hands crying.

"Why are you crying Daddy?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer. He picked his head up and smiled at me.

"Oh baby. Oh my georgous Hunter. I love you. Mommy and I are just having some difficulties. But it'll be okay. I promise. We love you baby girl. You're so special to me." He pulled me close and hugged me. He held me and held me. It seemed like he'd never let go, but when he did, he looked back into my eyes and began sobbing again. I tried to think of something to do, but I just sat there dumbfounded. When the man that seems so strong and unbreakable breaks down in front of you, it seems like the world is crumbling apart. 

Later that day, Mommy came home as I was in my room playing with my dolls. She asked me to come and sit with her on my bed.

"Hunter. You are my favorite little girl. You're so important to me, and I will always love you. NO matter what happens. Don't forget that." I'd heard this so many times before. "But I think that it's time that you're daddy and I... we... take a break from each other. We need time apart to... sort out some grown-up things." Now this was new. She'd never gone as far as to say she was leaving. To me anyway. "So I am going to go away for a little while baby. This is so hard for me to leave you, but I can't stay with Daddy anymore."

"You don't love him anymore." It was a statement. Not a question. She looked into my eyes and shook her head. Her eyes filled with tears, but she wiped them away quickly, hugged me, and walked out the door. I didn't understand what was going on. I was only 7 years old. But at least I still had my Daddy. That's what I thought then. I thought my Daddy would be there for me and that he would love me. Little did I know what was coming for me. Little did I know I would want to just die...

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