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"You lost, angel?" His deep voice rumbled through me as I froze. He was so beautiful, his long body stretched out on the couch. He looked amused as I struggled to find the words.

His face was so perfect, I wondered if he were real.

I had never seen him before at church and I was here at least twice a week. I would never miss a face like his. One so perfect it seemed... fake. I knew I probably invaded his personal time, but my feet didn't move to lead me out of this room. His intense stare made it hard for me to look away and leave.

Every inch of me screamed to leave him, that he looked like trouble, but my heart was heavy. Pinning me down to the spot I was in. I was not going to leave, that bit was clear.

Fuck, I need to, though.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, turning around, but I heard shuffling behind me before a huge hand wrapped around my arm. I shivered as I turned back around. He looked even more perfect up close. I sucked in sharp breath, looking up at him.

God, he was tall.

"What's your name?" His fingers were on my chin, keeping my eyes on his. I couldn't form a sentence as I continued to stare at him. This was so pathetic. He smirked, leaning down.

"Cat got your tongue?" His breath was warm on my skin. I gasped as he took my hand and led me to the same couch he was just laying on. I was too focused on him, I didn't even know what the room looked like, but when I finally looked away from his intense eyes I saw the bar, couch, and TV.

What the hell?

"I'm so sorry, I should go," I mumbled, not meaning any of those words. Even if I should go, I couldn't. My feet didn't move the way my brain screamed at it to. My butt landed on the couch as he handed me something to me.

I frowned looking down. A perfectly rolled blunt was in my hand. The strong smell of weed invaded my nose making me cringe. I've never smoked before, I sure as hell didn't think my first time would be at church.

My horrified expression may have made it clear that I was inexperienced because he asked, "First time?" His words made me blush. I didn't even know why I was so embarrassed.

I nodded slightly, making him chuckle.

He took it back and put it in his two fingers and held it to my lips. I lean forward wrapping them around the thin blunt and sucked it in. When nothing came out, I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what was happening.

"I didn't light it yet, dumbass," he looked amused. I blush even harder, my body cringing at my embarrassment. I let out a small laugh. Not believing how embarrassing this was. I wanted to bury myself underground. I had met plenty of attractive people at school but no one had this kind of effect on me.

"Shut up," I grumble, my eyes avoiding his, too mortified to show him my inexperience.

He took out a lighter and lit the blunt. He nodded at it, still looking amused as I inhaled. The smoke entered my throat, making me cough. The burn spread through my body as I was desperate to cough it back out. That was horrible. Oh God, weed is terrible.

"It burns at first, but it'll get better," he murmured making me try it again.

"I don't like that," I cringe, pushing his hand away from me. He laughs silently, his body shaking. Why the hell did he look so perfect? And what the hell was wrong with me?

"Why are you here, angel?" He murmured, pulling me towards him. I gasp, my body melting with his. His hands were on my waist as he pulled me towards him. I should've pulled away but I only leaned into him. This was pathetic. I spent so much time calling my mother a whore, but look at me.

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