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I forced Jonas to put my bedroom right next to Summer's, specifically choosing the two that shares a bathroom. I needed to get quick access to her room, just in case something happens. Just in case a monster comes and visits her at night. When she's most vulnerable.

As all of our belongings, which wasn't much, was loaded into the house, I looked around the gigantic place. Not only was Jonas an asshole, he was a rich asshole. It only made things worse. I didn't miss the fact that his office and our bedrooms were all on the same floor. The house had four floors, all lined with rooms, and his creepy ass couldn't help but put is with him.

At least the master bedroom was on the top floor.

I just couldn't stand the fact that we were so much closer to him.

"It's Sunday," Summer says, fiddling with the cover of her book. I sigh, "Summer, I talked to you about this, I don't think we'll be going back there." Jonas had said something about changing churchs. About how the church we attended was filled with the devil's work. Apparently Jonas was a very strong Catholic that thought Chrsitians were the spawns of Satan. Summer had begged me every week during the two months Jonas and my mother was gone to go back to the church, not wanting to miss the youth service. But I had to work everyday since my mother didn't bother checking in on us or leaving us any cash.

The church needed a guardian or parent with the child at church at all times, and we couldn't afford to lose that time.

But mainly, the work was an excuse. I just couldn't see him again. The boy with the dark hair and pretty eyes. Nikolas. I knew if I ever laid eyes on him again, I wouldn't be able to leave. I wouldn't be able to pull myself out until it was too late.

I didn't want to explain that to Summer.

So every Sunday, I dropped her off at the library and left for work, scrubbing, cleaning, cooking, and serving until every nerve in my body was exhausted. But it was worth it. I had a little extra to buy Summer a few treats here and there, take her shopping with coupons we got in the mail and take her to Mcdonalds to buy her a Mcflurry.

"But unnie," she whined, "all my friends go," she stared up at me with her big eyes, begging me. I almost gave in at the sight of her wobbling lips. Until I felt the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up, feeling the presence of a monster. Jonas.

I clench my fist before turning around, trying to hide Summer behind me.

"Summer, don't worry, we'll go to church, just a different one," Jonas says in a soft voice. But I saw through it, I saw the way his eyes glazed over just looking at us.

"You're such a good girl, Summer, wanting to go to church," he murmurs. His words rang warning bells in my head. I flinch as he takes a step closer to us. I feel Summer shift beside me, so that her head is visible. I look at the grin on her face, so desperately wanting to take her away.

She giggled.

"I'm sure you'll make plenty of new friends at this new church, so will you, Junie bug," I feel bile climb up my throat at the nickname he calls me. I give hima tight nod, not wanting to show him all the digust I'm feeling for him.

"Now get all dolled up, we need to go confess our sins to the Lord."


Church was stressful. I kept an eye on Summer the whole time, which meant I needed to be with everyone else in the youth group. Which also meant I needed to socialize. I talked to a few people before everyone gave up on trying to strike up a conversation with me. I kept my eye on Summer the whole time, not giving them any mind.

The church was normal, the pastor was normal and the service was normal. I just hated the fact that Jonas was here as well. We never really went to church for the whole, 'God loves you,' thing. I only went so that Summer would grow up in a happy, non-abusive, environment. And what better place than a church?

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