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I can't believe he just said that.

I pinch myself, wondering if this were all a dream as I stare at Viv, my eyes wide. She's staring at me with the same eyes. Staring at me like the world was ending. From what I've heard, Nikolas Cairo didn't confess to girls, he just stuck his dick in them and tossed them aside, even that, he didn't come, the girl passing out before he could.

It was weird that he had such an obssession of me. Or maybe it wasn't an obssession, maybe he was being a dick and playing with my feelings. I shook my head, this could not be happening to me, right now.

"God, what a dick, confessing over text," Elodie says, scrolling through our texts. I ignore her as my heart blooms with something I so desperately want to get rid of. I knew that I shouldn't get too attached since the second I graduated, I'd take Summer and get out of this town, but at the same time, I couldn't help it. The second I saw him at that stupid fucking church, I knew he was going to cause a shit ton of problems in my life.

But I didn't care, for the first time in my life. I let myself go.

Nikolas Cairo would be the death of me. I knew how this would all end, with tears and a broken heart, but I didn't care. I didn't give a shit that what we had would last. Well, I guess what I have. He wasn't capable of giving me love, but it wasn't love I was looking for, it was someone who could distract me from everything going on around me. I didn't need his love.

I needed this distraction.

Next to me, Viv shakes her head, finally coming to her senses, "Oh my God, did Nikolas fucking Cairo confess to a girl!" she screams as if I wasn't next to her when she found out. I wince but I nod slowly, my throat not working properly to let me say anything, "Hell must've frozen over," she murmurs, tugging me into her arms.

"I guess Elodie was right about your magical pussy," Olivia laughs.

I shake my head, "This is not happening right now," I cry out before throwing her covers over my head again. What the shit was going on in the world right now? Vivianne rips the covers off of me, giving me a look.

"You're definitely going to see him tonight at the party," she tells me, dragging me off of her bed. I look at her with horror, "I'm not going," I tell her seriously, I couldn't see him. I was so confused, it was only a few texts ago that he said he couldn't give me what I want. But what the fuck do I want?

"Look, sweetie, you're going to see him eventually," Vivanne tucks my hair behind my ear. I frown, "Maybe I should just run away." She stares at me for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter. She hunches over, her hand on her stomach as I just stare at her with confusion, what did I just say?

"From my perspective, I think you should just take it. I mean, good dick and one of the 'Four', that sounds like a good deal to me," Elodie comments from across the room. I roll my eyes at her, giving her the finger. She just shrugs as if 'taking' his deal was like taking a deal from the devil. I didn't know what was waiting for me in the end.

"You don't understand, he's incapable of feeling," I tell her, not even insulting him, just saying the truth. She scoffs, "So what? He'll probably do so much for you," she starts listing things on her finger, "sex, money, protection, murder." My eyes widen at her last one. As Vivianne calms down, I'm pushed into her makeup chair, her body still shaking from silent laughter.

"Don't be absurd," I scold Elodie as Vivianne pins my hair up so she could work some magic on my face again. I'd lost all color because of his text, I looked like a damn ghost. I see Elodie smirking in the mirror in front of me.

"Tonight's the night of the monthly fight," she tells me, smacking her lips together after putting on some lip balm. She'd told me her secret to a plump lip was mosturizing it to the point where it was uncomfortable before applying any product. I didn't know how that information was going to impact my life in some way, but I listened to her talking anyway. She always seemed to always have something to say, it wasn't annoying, though. I enjoyed listening to her speak about things she was passionate about. Sex, true crime, make-up, designer clothes. It was unending how much was in her head.

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