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I flip him off, walking toward the counter to order my Big Mac.

A burger I only had a handful of times, since my dad only bought it for me on special occasions. Those special occasions were when he got fired for talking back or standing up for himself. Now that I have some extra change, since I didn't have to pay the bills or get groceries, I had enough money to eat them whenever I wanted to. I didn't quit my job at the restaurant, which meant I had a steady flow of money coming every month.

I refused to take anything from Jonas. Not wanting to owe him anything so that when I graduated and left his house, I could cut him out of my life completely, without needing to pay him back and everything.

Once I was done ordering, I look behind me, "You want something?" I didn't feel as funky anymore. My surroundings more clear and the feeling of having control over my body came back. Nikolas looked at me with an amused expression. He looked out of place in the brightly lit McDonalds. He looked so elegant and mannered while the building had sticky floors and dirty coutertops. It was funny how contrasting it was, especially since he looked uncomfortable as hell.

"You're going to get me something?" His perfectly sculpted eyebrow rose up, his voice low and lazy.

I laugh, "I know you're too broke to afford it," I told him sarcastically. I wave him up to the menu so he could look at it. I knew he was the son of the most wealthiest families in the world, but I had a feeling that he didn't come here often. Matter of fact, he looked like he's never been here before. I was sure he only ate the organic, expensive shit that rich people ate. I turn back to the cashier who was now looking at me like I was crazy.

I guess she knew who he was.

The town of wealthy people that Jonas lived in was small. Everyone owned more than ten cars, and their daddies owned more than five buildings. I guess he was more well known, since his family owned the only school in the town.

"I didn't know you could be such a gentleman," he throws me a sassy smirk, rolling his eyes, before telling the cashier he wanted a large fry. I frown, "Thought you wanted a burger?" He shrugs pursing his lips, "Not anymore."

I pay and we get our food.

"I'm sorry about tonight, I drank too much," I sigh as we take a seat at a booth. The seats were sticky and table looked dirty, but I couldn't care less as I set the tray down in front of us. He sat on the other side of me, staring at me with his cold, emotionless eyes making me wonder what he was thinking.

His empty eyes were always void of anything that could give me a hint of what he was thinking. Even when he should be upset, or he should be estatic, his eyes gave away nothing. He looked like he was bored, all the damn time. It made me as curious as frustrated. Especially now as he watched me as I took the burger out of it's paper and stared at with hungry eyes.

When was the last time I sat down to have a proper meal. I usually skipped lunch at school, not having the luxury to afford the ten dollar salads and fifteen dollar sandwiches. I sometimes hated that I was so stubborn I refused any money Jonas threw at me. I convinced myself I would buy myself a cheap meal at the gas station on the walk home, but I was always too tired to stop by.

Dinner was worse. Jonas was always too busy to sit down with us so I was left with an awkward silence between Summer, my mom and I. So I shoved whatever was in front of me down my throat and left Summer to have some bonding time with our mother. They had a good relationship, since Summer never saw the monstrous side of the woman. I didn't want to ruin it for her.

I needed to start eating more. But I was used to having to starve for days when I could only afford to feed Summer as my mom got wine and dined by her fuck-buddies. So I was used to it. 

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