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"Nikolas," I sigh.

I don't wait for him to answer before continuing, "I don't get why you want me? We'd both be more satisfied if you went and pursued the other hundred girls who are dying for your attention," I watch his expression closely, wanting him to show me at least a sliver of emotion. To show me that he'd give me the emotional comfort I needed.

I sounded like a pathetic loser.

He doesn't react, "You don't get why I want you?" He says it like it was supposed to be obvious. I want to tell him that he tends to not be human and doesn't know how to express his emotions normally.

I roll my eyes, "It's not like you actually tell me what you want." My voice came out as a grumble.

"Remember that night at the church?" He brings up that event. I cringe, remember how easily I fell apart in his hands. How he made me forget everything else in my life and just focus on the pleasure he was giving me.

"What about it?"

"I can't get it out of my fucking head," he pulls me closer to him making my breathing speed up, "you were this sweet angel begging me to let you sin," he smirks, no doubt picturing the way I was writhing beneath him.

My cheeks heat up with shame, "It was a mistake," is the only thing I could say. It's a lie, I thought about it every night before I went to bed and craved for it to happen again. I've obsessed about the ways his hands moved, taking me to different planets of pleasure. But he didn't need to know that.

He meets my eyes, his still cold and emotionless, "Then why the fuck are you begging for my touch right now," I frown but look down to see my body arching into his, needing my skin to be on his, my thighs clenched together. I jump away, frustrated and embarrassed.

"I can't think clearly around you," I mutter, grabbing a bottle of vodka that was lying behind him. Uncapping the bottle, I take a swing, letting it wash over me. I grimace as the alcohol slides down my throat.

"It'll be easier for you to just give in, imagine how much I'd be able to give you," he speaks as if this were a business deal instead of our personal relationship. It makes me realize how one sided these emotions are. He had no intentions of using me for anything other than his pleasure. He had a way of making me feel pathetic without even trying.

I shake my head, "No, Nikolas, I don't want anything from you," I lie. He doesn't seem like he bought it.

"Even my touch?" His voice is like poison. Dark and lethal yet I couldn't help but lap it up like he was the antidote. Before I could think about it, I press my lips to his. I feel his plump lips lift up into a smirk but I ignore it decide to forget.

"Just one night," I whisper to him between kisses, I don't know who I'm trying to convince, him or myself. He doesn't say anything and deepens the kiss. His lips devours mine at a speed I couldn't catch up to, so I let him lead me. Dominate me.

His hands roam around my body, making me shiver. I run my fingers through his soft hair, pulling him towards me, wanting to be closer to him even when I was plastered against me.

Running my hands down his hard abs, I trace the lines and ridges on his skin, every touch of his skin sending sparks through my fingertips.

He let's out a delicious groan when I nip his lip with him teeth. He pulls away, his eyes meeting mine, and I know he sees all the feelings in there.

He ignores it and picks me up by my thighs, his huge hands bringing to his eye-level.

"I have a room here," he tells me between kisses. I nod, desperate to get his hands on me. Our tongues tangle together as he smoothly carries me up the stairs. I don't notice my surroundings nor the people digging their eyes into us, and sigh in pleasure when his lips travel down my neck as he shuts the door behind us.

NikolasWhere stories live. Discover now