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Unknown: i'll pick you up, send me you're address.

June: How'd you get my number?

Nikolas: i have my ways.

June: Don't you have a party to go to? 

Nikolas: i have other plans for today.

June: Doing what?

Nikolas: doing you.

June: ...

Nikolas: why do you act like you don't like me? 

I groan turning off my phone, ignoring the slickness between my thighs. I couldn't handle this today. After Summer left, I just sat in my bedroom, my door locked and window open. I needed some fresh air. I needed to relax, I haven't had a day where I could just have fun. Sure the party was supposed to be 'fun' but it just left me with a headache and unwelcome feelings. 

I let out a startled cry when my phone lets out a shrill ring. 

I almost smile when I see his name on the screen. I liked that he was persistent, I didn't exactly know why he liked me so much, or if he even did like me. It was all so confusing. I pick up the phone, letting out a breath. 

"Hello?" I call out, I don't hear his voice until a few seconds later. 


I roll my eyes, "What do you want from me?" I ask him. 

"I just want you," I'd be swooning if it weren't for the fact that his voice lacked all the emotion those words should be packing. Instead of a heartwarming tone, his was just cold. It froze my heart more than melt it. I frown, picking at my bedsheets. 

Before I could say anything, he continues, "Why are you holding yourself back?

I'm taken by surprise by his question. I didn't expect him to be so direct. I take a few seconds to curate the right answer, but still it doesn't feel right on my tongue. 

"I don't know if you've noticed, but you're known as the boy who doesn't feel, how am I supposed to let myself feel for someone who isn't able to reciprocate those feelings?" Is what I want to say but don't. 

Instead, I land on, "I'm not, I just don't know what you want from me." 

He lets out a cold scoff, "I think I've made that clear since the day we met at that fucking church," he pauses for a second before continuing, "you." 

I furrow my eyebrows, inhaling sharply, "So, you only want sex." 

I hold my breath, not knowing what to expect from him. 

"Yes. Isn't that what you want, too?" My stomach drops and I could practically feel my heart break. I didn't even know why I thought he'd say something different. Did I expect him to have feelings for me? Actual, real, human feelings? Feeling pathetic, I exhale a heavy breath. 

"Fuck you, Nikolas, stop talking to me, I'm not interested," I tell him, hanging up the phone. Letting out a frustrated snarl I curl into my blankets. I didn't even know why I was upset, it wasn't like I liked him... right? God, what was wrong with me? 

I needed a distraction, a shallow, non-feeling-evoking distraction. 

Pulling out my phone, ignoring the text from Nikolas, I open Vivianne's contact. 

June: Party? 

Viv: getting ready at my house ;)

Grabbing my own clothes this time, since I had the luxury of going shopping with my mom and Summer the other day, after school, I head out. My mom was never the one to spend money on us, too selfish to think about anything other than herself, but this time, she told us that she'd buy us anything we wanted. I rolled my eyes, but Summer squealed and kissed her cheek, making my heart twinge with pain. 

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