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"Mom!" Summer squeals as the door opened to reveal my mother and Jonas. My mother had gotten tan from their trip and Jonas looked fatter. Two months of relaxing had done damage to him, but still left my mother untouched. She still looked perfect.

Her perfectly painted lips split into a big smile for my little sister, "My perfect little baby! I missed you so much," she wraps her arms around Summer. Two months ago, I would be waiting for my turn but now I knew that it would never come. Not that I even wanted it to come. I supress the urge to rip Summer out of that witch's embrace, knowing that I would be the monster to taint my mother's image for Summer. She still believed our mother was a good person.

I wouldn't dare to break her heart by revealing the cruel woman beneath the warm hugs and reassuring smiles.

My eyes trailed to where Jonas was standing, immediatly feeling alert at how close he was standing to my sister. He was facing the door as he waved at something outside. A few moments later, men began filing into my house, men in suits, their muscles straning against the material. I frowned as I watched them ruffle through our things.

"What are they doing?" I ask quietly. Jonas lets out a little laugh, "You haven't seen your father in two months and you don't say hello?" I cringe at him calling himself my father. Anger buzzes through my veins as I fight the urge to just smack his creepy face. He smirks at me, waiting for my answer.

I put on my best smile, "Sorry Jonas, hello, now what are they doing in my house?" I keep my voice sugary sweet. His eyes flash with heat as he growls. I try not flinch as he stalks towards me. He stops right in front of me, his chest heaving with anger. My whole body reacts negatively with him being so close to me. His cologne wafts through the air around me, suffocating me.

I want to puke.

I force my feet to stay still and not run away as he brings his hand up to brush against my cheek and trailed down to my neck. His big hands wraps around my neck, squeezing slightly. My eyes snap close as I wish I was anywhere but her.

"Be careful, little girl, you wouldn't want to get punished, would you?" His voice sent goosebumps down my spine, as the urge to throw up grew stronger. When I don't answer, his grip on my neck grows tighter. Panic settles within my spine as I refuse to open my mouth. I don't dare to open my eyes to see the bone-chilling expression on his face as I twist and turn to get free.

I wonder if my mother is seeing this. I would hope she has at least a pinch of decency left in her to be distracting Summer as her husband lays his hands on her other daughter. Her other daughter whom she abandoned.

I feel tears burned behind my closed eyelids and I beg for them not to fall. I would rather die than show my weakness to Jonas.

A few beats of tension pass and his hands leave my neck, making it easier for me to breath again.

"I'm so happy to see you again, June-bug," I feel a tear leak out of my closed eyes as he pulls me into his heavy arms. His cologne chokes me as every nerve in my body begs to get away from his touch. He doesn't let go of me as he lets his hands trail down my back and hover around my ass.

This fucking creep.

I hold in the urge to knee him in the nuts, and stand as stiff as a board as he grabs my backside into his hands, groaning softly into my ear. I feel the vomit crawl up my throat as a cry leaves my lips.

"Save sounds you make for later tonight," he whispers before letting me go. I immediately grab Summer before running to the small room I called home for the past three years. No where else was safe.

His words echoed in my brain as I shut the door and place the heavy book on the floor next to it so it doesn't open back up again.

"Why was Jonas hugging you like that?" Summer was cringing. My heart was beating so loud in my chest, the thumping leaving her voice to sound like a mumble. I don't answer her, my rbeathing coming out sharp and short.

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