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June Kim- Age Sixteen

My mother is a whore.

I probably shouldn't say that. But it's true so there is no point in trying to take it back. Especially now, when a fat cock is stuffed between her swollen lips as she willingly sucks it, in front of her own children. I avert my eyes, swallowing back down my lunch that is threatening to come back up. She claims that this is the real world, that we needed to get used to reality.

Fuck that.

Fuck her.

I don't get to look away fast enough before the man she's kneeling in front of locks eyes with me. His eyes are cold and void of any emotion, sending shivers down my spine. My insides churn as an ugly smirk forms on his thin lips. I try not to vomit as I quickly avert my eyes, trying to bleach my brain.

Covering my little sister's eyes, I pull her away from the disgusting sight unfolding in front of us. I grip her shaking hand tight in mine, shutting the door behind us, well as far as it could close. Nothing these days worked correctly. None of the doors shut properly, the toilet never flushed all the way, none of the lights worked so we used candles and battery operated lamps. Even those were flickering. Our house was falling apart, and so was our family.

I mean, of course it was. My dad was the glue that glued us all together, but now that he's gone, there is no us. There is no more family.

I let out a shaky breath, "Get dressed, it's almost time for the event," I kiss Summer on her head, my heart breaking at her wide eyes, traumatized from what she just witnessed. I would hope that this would be the last time she would see anything like this, but I know that's not true. I just hoped she would be smart enough to not let it bother her too much. It took a while for me to get used to, but it's easier now to treat it as a normal thing.

She nods slowly before opening the drawer holding all of our clothes.

I lean my head back onto the door, closing my eyes. I was way too tired to go out tonight but I knew how important this event was to Summer. It was the annual Christmas concert that the local church held. And Summer adored the church and everything that had to do with it. It's hilarious because I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know who Jesus is.

I didn't question her on anything, I just appreciated the fact that there is a place, that's completely free, that could distract us from the horrid things going on in this house. None of this happened before my father died, we were actually a poster perfect family. But after he was diagnosed with stage four melanoma my mother couldn't handle putting up the perfect mother front anymore. She completely let go of her life, of our lives.

It was no secret that we were dirt poor now. The only reason we had this damn house, one that's falling apart, was because my father worked his ass off and left it to us.

Running my hand down my head, just like the way my father used to run his palms down my hair, I slap on a big smile, not wanting to ruin the Christmas spirit for my sister.

"You ready for the party of the year?" I snatch the tight red sweater dress from Summer's hand. She pouts and begins looking for something else to wear. For an eleven year old her body was way too mature. She was growing curves all in the right places for filthy people to stare too long. I didn't need her wearing anything that would potentially put her in danger.

What a world we live in.

"I love Christmas," she giggles, holding up the ugliest sweater I've ever seen, "I love this season."

Ironic isn't it? Her name is Summer and she loves winter.

I let out a small laugh, "That sweater makes me want to puke my brains out and feed it to a baby," I let her know laughing, making her cringe, her nose scrunching which only makes me laugh harder.

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