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"It is very important to see how much God loves you," Sister Kenneth as soon as she started the lesson. I ignore her, knowing that this class is ninety percent just participation. It wasn't that I didn't want to know how much God does for us, it was that I couldn't focusing on anything other than the way Nikolas looked sitting in his seat.

I didn't know how it was possible for someone look so good. The way his blazer hugged his muscles, and the way his hair wasn't even styled yet looked perfect, made my thighs clench with need.

I was going crazy. I swear, until he came into my life, I acted normal and not like a dog in heat.

My phone buzzes making me jump from my deep thoughts.

Nikolas: i can feel your pretty eyes on me.

Immediately, I feel a blush spread across my cheeks and I could practically picture the smug smirk on his face right now.

Me: You're delusional.

Nikolas: this class is boring, wanna skip?

I almost let out a scoff.

Me: And how do we do that?

Nikolas: we leave.

Me: What? You're just going to walk out the class?

Nikolas: fucking watch me.

I look up with wide eyes as a chair scraping on the floor interrupts Sister Kenneth. Her eyebrows raise as she opens her mouth before closing it again. Again, showing me how much influence he has over the people in this school. Not only do the students treat him like some sort of king, the faculty bend at his will, letting him do whatever he wants.

It all didn't make sense to me, how could a high school student be allowed to have that much control?

My jaw drops as he begins walking towards the door. I see him lazily turn to the classroom when he realizes that I wasn't following him. He stares directly at me making whispers erupt around me. I shake my head, giving him a look that told him that he was insane. Which he was, if he thought I'd skip class with him.

I think he failed to realize that I'm just another student. I didn't have the last name Cairo, nor was I part of the Four.

He rolled his eyes, looking bored, "June and I have to go do library duty," his voice is deep but clear, ringing through the class. I feel my cheeks burn as he waves his hands to try and encourage me to follow him.

I furrow my brows, thinking about what I should do, but I don't get time to think as he takes long strides to reach me in the back of the class. He stops in front of my desk, and I could practically feel the eyes of my classmates burn into my skull.

"We don't want to be late, do we?"

I glare at him but he ignores it as he gathers my things and holding them with his single notebook in his big hand before using the other hand to reach behind me and push my chair back. I quickly grab my bag and follow after him, too embarrassed to look up.

He leads me out the classroom and Sister Kenneth doesn't even bother to say anything, just letting us shut the door behind us and walk in the opposite direction of the library and to the entrance to the school.

"Are you insane?!" I shout as soon as we're out the school. I'd been keeping it in during our short walk in the halls, so that we don't cause more disturbance than we already had caused.

He throws me a smug look, "First time skipping class?"

I roll my eyes, "Yes, unlike you, I care about my education."

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