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The first week of school was uneventful. 

Jonas said that if I'd sucked his dick again, he'd buy me a car. I slapped him and told him to 'go fuck yourself'. This only made him angrier but thankfully my mother walked in to give him her own show before he could do anything else to me. I slipped out the room as she shoved her tongue down his throat. I didn't need a car. I had two legs that functioned correctly. 

I'd told the driver that he didn't need to drive me to school anymore. He thought Jonas already bought me a car. Well that was because I told him that. He believed me which was great. I didn't need anyone doing me any favors. Plus, the driver looked busy with running errands for Jonas. 

I didn't know much about jobs in the rich world, but I'm pretty sure the job of being chauffeur didn't include being an errand boy, fetching Jonas and my mom donuts whenever their lazy-asses wanted it. It made me angry watching the way Jonas thought he was so above everyone. I wanted to smack him and tell him to got get his own damn donuts. It made me angrier when my mother began thinking she was above everyone, as well. A few months ago, she was still on her knees for money. Not that I was judging. It still infuriated me when she ordered around maids to clean up her messes. 

I wiped the sweat from the back of my neck in the bathroom with a wet paper towel. Walking to school wasn't bad, it was only a fifteen minute walk. But the summer heat wasn't doing me a favor, drowning me with my sweat. Thank God this school had a shower. I used it once or twice and was glad that some the money that went into making this school went to making decent showers. 

"Have you ever been to party before?" Olivia asked from beside me. We were in the science lab doing an assignment all of us finished within ten minutes. Viv and Elodie were scrolling on their phones, talking about the new hot fitness instructor at the luxury gym and spa near the school. Apparently I needed to get a membership there. I'd be insulted if they weren't talking about the masseur that matched my 'vibe' perfectly. Sometimes I didn't understand a word that left their perfectly glossed lips. 

The last time I had a conversation with someone my age, we talked about how we both had to save used paper towels so we could wash them and reuse them. 

I shake my head, "Nope," I also didn't want to attend one. 

"Well, there's one tomorrow at the LeBlanc mansion, wanna go?" Olivia looks up from her nails. They were perfectly painted which contrasted with my unpainted nails that was cut too short to be 'trendy'. It was exhausting keeping up with all these expectations. I'd rather just sit in a mess of tangled hair and unhealthy cuticles. 

"No thanks, I have plans," I sigh. I had plans with Summer. Well, just keeping an eye on her. Olivia nods, "Okay, let me know if those plans change," as if she knows that I was lying about that. 

We fall into an easy conversation about Asian parents as she mentions how strict hers is. I dig through the memories I had with my dad and my mother before he had died. I let myself pretend he was still here, giving me shit about how an A- was unacceptable. I'd thought he was being annoying then, but now? I wanted him to give me shit about anything, really. I just wanted to hear his voice. 

Though he wasn't present much, always on work trips, the time we spend together was never forgettable. He was always tired, I knew that, but he didn't care as he threw me up in the air making me laugh until tears blurred my vision and my stomach hurt. He was always there for me, even when I had my first fight with my mother. He was there for me when I missed school for the first time because of a 103 degree fever. He was there when I had my first panic attack since the day I missed was the day of my presentation. 

He was always there for me so the second he disappeared, leaving me all alone in this world, I didn't know how to go continue. I didn't know how to function correctly without having someone to lean on. I had to figure it all out by myself, that's why I feel so obligated to take care of Summer. To let her know that I'll always be here for her. 

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