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I'm numb.

I don't feel anything as he slams into me over and over and over again. I don't feel pain, discomfort or anything anymore. It's like my body shuts down whenever he tears off my clothes and invades me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, counting down from ten, hoping that it's end soon.

Once he's done, he rolls over, his chest heaving. Sweat rolls down his temples and all I can do is stare. He seems so content. How can he be so normal?

Is it because I stopped fighting him? Does that make me weak? I just lay there and let him violate me. Am I just enabling him?

I feel my nails digging into my palm trying to distract myself from crying. Getting up slowly, I mutter an excuse before leaving the room. I couldn't handle breathing the same air as him any longer.

The guest bathroom is huge. It's marble and lit up with warm lights. It's the vibe of the entire beach house. When Jonas mentioned it, I pictured a small house that overlooked the beach but it's anything but small. It looks like his house in the city, almost better.

I can feel the tears trailing down my cheeks before I can shut the door. I lean against the door, my legs folding in on themselves. Hugging my legs to my chest, I try to hold together the pieces of my soul slowly falling apart.

I don't know how long I cry for. When the tears stop falling, I get up off the cold floor and wash myself, scrubbing my skin raw before I leave the bathroom. The sun is setting outside and I can hear Jonas' snores from the room across the bathroom.

How easy would it be to just stab him right now? I could grab the kitchen knife and just shove it into his chest.

Shaking the thoughts from out of my head, I call Ashton.

"So, is it all ready?"

"Yeah, we have the papers, and the video proof, thanks for doing this, I'm sorr—"

I cut him off, "Don't," I suck in a sharp breath, "it'll all be over soon anyway."

"Just distract him for two more days while we turn in all the evidence, expect the police to be barging in soon," his words bring some sort of hope into my heart.

"Is Summer home?" I ask.

"No, I haven't seen her," he says, "she's at her friends house, and your mother is in Miami."

I sigh, "Thanks for doing this for me, I hope they believe us."

"Of course they will, I'll make sure of it."

He hangs up and I'm left alone with my thoughts once again.

Jonas' crimes would be exposed to the world in a few days. Turns out he wasn't that smart in covering up his tracks. It only took a few days digging into his past to see how he got to where he was now. Though he wouldn't be paying for the crimes of ruining my innocence, he'd be going away for a long time and that was all that mattered. It didn't matter if I didn't get the closure I needed.

"Junie!" I flinch when I hear his voice. I wrong out my shaky hands before walking slowly back to our room.

"What do you want?" I don't mean to sound so defeated but I can't help it as I stand in the doorway. He's still in the bed, the blanket draped over his bottom half. His eyes were half closed and he was feeling around the covers for me. Bile rises in my throat that the sight of him.

"C'mere," he murmurs. I can feel my body shivering and begging me to not go, but I know better.

Taking smaller steps to the bed, I pray that he'd fall asleep again so that I could make my escape.

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