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I rush home when school ends, wanting to lay in my bed with Summer as she tells me about her day. I realized that throughout the three years it was just her and I, she'd become my best friend. And I wasn't embarrassed of it, I loved that she and I had gotten close.

I remember the way my father would scold us when we fought. He would tell me that I was too old to be acting like that, and it would make me so angry I wanted to scream at Summer all over again. But now? I wanted to know all her problems and carry them for her.

"Ashton! I brought you a donut," I smile when I see him.

I actually stopped by the gas station on the walk home because I couldn't hold in my piss and decided I would buy Ashton and Summer a snack or something. Suprisingly, the donut tasted good when I tried it so I proudly handed the bag of powerdered donuts to him. His eyes widened as a confused look crossed his eyes.

"June, you shouldn't be buying me donuts," Ashton sighs making me frown.

"I did it on my own, I wanted to, don't stress about it," I reassure him making him throw me a look. He pushes the bag of donuts back into my hands, "I'm sorry, I can't accept this," I purse my lips with a pout.

"Don't be a dick," I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but I just wanted him to take it. He looks at me for a second, letting out a heavy breath, "I'm not allowed to take anything from this family." His words make my neck heat with anger. I throw him a glare.

"Well, good thing I'm not part of this family," I shove the bag against his chest but he doesn't t take it once again making me groan. "Just take it, Ashton, if you're so worried about Jonas finding about this, I'll keep my mouth shut," I sigh.

He gives in at the look in my eyes.

"Thank you, but I hope this is the last time you get me something," he tells me, taking the bag from my hands. I roll my eyes.

"You can't control what I do, Ashton, just take it," I tell him. He opens his mouth to say something but he stops, thanking me again before walking away. He was certainly inside the house often for a driver. I hoped Jonas wasn't overworking him. I'd seen him everyday, doing something inside the house, the past week. I watched him change the lights, scrub the floors, cook dinner.

Why the fuck was he 'just the driver' then? Jonas should promote him to being the top housekeeper, since he was already doing everything in the house. I wondered how much he was getting paid. Jonas was wealthy enough to send Ashton home with a fat check every month. But even if he wasn't and treating Ashton horribly, there was nothing I could do but treat him nice by getting him treats and thanking him once in a while.

Jonas was such an asshole, I didn't know what to expect from him.

"Unnie!" I smile when I Summer bouncing up the stairs to greet me. I open my arms to hug her. She throws herself onto me making me laugh, "You missed me that much, huh?" I tell her teasingly. She nods against my chest.

"I love you," she tells me making me look at her suspiciously.

"Did you get in trouble at school?" I ask, my tone hardening jokingly. Summer was always a troublemaker. The school always calling me, well her mother, which was technically me when my mother refused to step up to her role and go to conferences and festivals, letting me know that Summer had a hard time getting along with her friends. I never really scolded her for it, since those little bitches always deserved it. But now that we were in a more sofisticated area, I assumed little kids would be more proper.

She shakes her head, "No, I just love you."

For a second I let myself melt into her, embracing her love. It wasn't often she vocalized her feelings, always keeping her feelings to herself. She was always talking, but she only talks about other people and her thoughts, never how she feels though. She doesn't tell me how she feels about moving, about how our mother was never home, she only ever talks about it.

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