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It's so awkward.

I refuse to look up at him as the chefs bring in the food. I would rather gouge my eyes out before I look at him.

The silence between us is so thick it's threatening to choke me. Honestly I'd appreciate it if it does, I'd do anything to get out of here. The way that Jonas' eyes crawl up my skin can be felt even though all I've been staring at is the tiny yellow stain on the edge of the tablecloth.

The dining table is comically big, being able to fit fifteen to twenty people, but right now, it's not nearly big enough. A whole planet wouldn't be enough distance between Jonas and I. Especially when it's only the two of us.

"So, for your graduation present, I bought a beach house in Malibu," he starts, I pick up my fork and begin digging into whatever dish was served, needing a distraction from the sudden urge to grab the knife that's laying beside me and stabbing him in the neck, "we'll leave the second we get home from your ceremony, so pack your things."

I make sure to control my reaction as I shove a piece of the pork into my mouth. It wasn't the first time Jonas bought something for me, but I'll make sure it's the last. He thinks he could win over my heart with simple gifts. The heart that he disintegrated with his cock. The pork in my stomach threatens to come back up.

"Is mother and Summer coming as well?" A family vacation was the last thing I needed.

He shakes his head, "It'll just be you and me, Junie," my blood runs cold.

How will I be able to avoid this one?

There was plenty of family vacations that were planned during my time here, but I haven't been on a single one, having an excuse for all of them. But now it's just the two of us. The only way I'd be able to leave this one is to carry out my plans early and get the hell out of here.

But I was so close. There were still things that needed to be confirmed and double checked. Things that would ensure Summer and I's safety. Could I throw away that security just so I could avoid going on this silly little vacation?

I wouldn't that to Summer.

My stomach is churning and my eyes are filled with tears, but I still manage to squeeze out, "I'll start packing now, may I be excused?" I can't even look into his eyes as I gently lay down my fork and knife with shaky hands.

"Of course, I got the maids to buy you new bathing suits, make sure you pack all of them, they're on your bed."

I don't bother responding, but as soon as I push out my chair to get out of there, he speaks again, "Junie, pick out your favorite one, I expect you to be wearing it tonight."

Tears run down my cheeks but I turn away so he doesn't see them. I shove the chair back into it's place before I rush out of the room. Bile rides up my throat as I run to my bathroom. Falling onto my knees I expel everything in my stomach back out into the toilet. I don't stop until my throat begins to burn and my stomach is empty.

"Oh God," I let out a sob. I don't know why I'm crying. I thought I'd grown enough to be able to deal with this. Grown enough to just ignore everything he's putting me through.

My whole body shakes as I struggle to hold myself together.

How am I going to survive this?


"You down for the graduation party after the ceremony?" Elodie asks, braiding my hair. I've been hiding out her house since Summer was at her friends house for the third night in a row. I have a feeling she can sense the danger inside the house. I haven't talked to her properly in weeks.

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