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Lilah: I'm so sorry about yesterday. There was an emergency I needed to tend to. Let's do a make-up session today or tomorrow!

Me: It's totally okay. I think I'm okay with tomorrow.

I shut off my phone, letting Lilah figure out the schedule before turning back to Summer. She was trying to bake cookies. She's been getting into baking now that she could get whatever she wants from the grocery store. It reminded how much more Summer deserved in this life. I couldn't help but feel bad that I couldn't be the one to provide her with her baking ingredients and fancy tools.

But I was glad she had it. Even if it was from a monster.

"Unnie, look!" She squealed, her face pressed against the oven glass. I peered over her shoulder, seeing that  the cookies had turn a golden brown. I smiled.

"Is there anything you can't do?" I poke her stomach. She giggles, "Nope, I'm good at everything!"

I laugh along with her.

She turns back to look at me, "I was going to give them to Aubrey," she points to the treats in the oven, "but there's going to be extra, so you should give them to your friends."

Summer still didn't believe that I had friends. I could tell by the way she always tried to bring up my friends in our conversations. It made me laugh, but it still made me feel pathetic. I wanted her to not care about me and my life. I needed her to focus on herself and her life.

"Thanks, you're so thoughtful," I kiss her head before starting to clean up the kitchen. Jonas had chefs so he had a very nice kitchen. One that we weren't allowed to use, but did anyway. He claimed that we should leave the sad jobs to the sad people. It pissed me the hell off. It only added to the reasons I hated Jonas Jung.

She grins, completely forgetting what she was accusing me of before helping me out. Once we were done, the oven dings, signaling that the cookies were done.


The cookies sat in my room while Summer went to the mall with Aubrey.

I've thought about giving them to Viv, Olivia, Lola and Elodie but I knew they all didn't really like sweet things unless it was gummies or healthy. But that was just an excuse since there was only one person I actually wanted to give the treats to.


I just wanted an excuse to see him. To hear his voice and see his cold eyes peer into mine. I knew that what we had wasn't something that required him to even care about me, but I couldn't help but want him to.

My hands shook slightly as I type out a text to him.

Me: Are you at school?

He doesn't respond right away, making my heart beat loudly in my chest. Glaring at my phone, as if it was it's fault that he wasn't answering, I lay back down on my bed.

It was a slow day. I had nothing to do. It was a Saturday, so it meant that there was a party going on somewhere. I'd avoided responding to the texts the girls sent me. I really didn't want to go, nor did I plan to go.

All I could think of or plan is him. Meeting him, seeing him, kissing him, touching him.

My phone buzzed making my heart jump.

Nikolas: yeah, at the house.

I frown, picking at the skin around my nails. I didn't know how to talk to him without feeling and sounding desperate. He had a way of being so nonchalant and overwhelming at the same time.

Me: Can I come over?

I type it out before deleting it. Thinking of different responses, I let out a shaky breath. I probably looked like a fool, my text bubble popping up and going down without me actually sending anything. God, this was so embarrassing.

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