207 10 4

He was so beautiful.

The sunlight streams through the curtains right onto Nikolas' naked body. He looks like an angel, a peaceful expression in his face and his eyes shut with sleep. I lay my chin on his chest so I could see his face.

His eyelashes brushed the top of his cheeks bones and his plump lips were slightly parted. His cheeks were a pretty shade of red and his hair was messy enough to be sexy and cute at the same time. My chest ached at how perfect he was.

I wanted to keep him in my pocket where no one else had the luxury of looking at him. Unlike when he's awake, he looks like a boy when he's asleep. A young boy with no problems, no grudges against the world. 

He was so angry at the universe for putting him in so many fucked up situations, I think he forgot what it meant to be a child. He was still so young, he should be able to lean onto someone when he was struggling, but he's been left alone. Left alone to fend for himself. 

No matter how decent Pastor Cairo was right now, I couldn't help but hate him for putting Nikolas through hardships in his childhood. 

Being a child was a privilege. A luxury that Nikolas and I couldn't get. We were both stuck taking care of ourselves when we should've been getting taken care of. We were both acting like we were mature when we needed to be guided to maturity. I wondered how we would've worked out if we were both happy, if we had no problems. 

My chest tightened as I continued to stare up at him. I had a strange feeling of wanting to be responsible for him. 

His arms were wrapped around me tight, as if he was afraid I'd disappear while he was sleeping. Under the thin sheet we used as a blanket, my naked legs were thrown over his muscular ones. I leaned my ear against his chest, focusing on the way his heart beats. Steady thumps filled my ears like music as I found comfort in them. 

It was the best sleep I'd gotten in months. I never felt so refreshed. All those nights worried about whether I'd be violated, I hadn't gotten a comfortable night. But being here with him made it possible for my night to be worry-free.

It had been too long since I'd been held by him. Too long since I'd let myself be so carefree. I missed being this happy. And it was him who made that possible.

I snuggle into him further, wanting to bury myself within him. No matter how close we were, it wasn't enough. I needed to be a part of him.

Being held by him was like heaven. It reminded how hellish those months without him were.

My phone buzzing disturbs my ogling.

Letting out a breath, I reach over to grab it from the stand next to the bed. I move slowly so I wouldn't wake him up from his peaceful slumber. 

Turning the screen on, my heart beings to pound when I read the text.

A: Police are on their way, don't be scared when they knock the door down.

My eyes widen as my heart drops. 


Climbing out of bed slowly, I try not to make noise as I put a pillow between his arms. My bare feet curl into themselves as I'm greeted with the hard-wood floor.

Quickly hitting the call button, I throw on Nikolas's shirt before leaving the room. The phone rings a few times before he picks up.

"I'm not there," my voice shakes slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"I... I sort of ran away, I'm not even sure Jonas is there," my panic is clear in my voice as I speak hurriedly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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