..::Chapter 2::..

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"Who's what?" Charlie asked.

We were walking almost directly towards Sophia and I was sure it was her now. She was standing on a corner with someone else talking.

I pulled Charlie back and let Ava and Lily continue walking. They don't know about my obsession yet and I kind of wanted to keep it that way to avoid the inevitable eye roll.

"Oh my god, Charlie." I whispered, panic starting to set in.

"Why are you whispering?" She whispered back.

"I'm about to use up a freak out card." And there it was, the eye roll.

"Here me out." I continued, "Do you see that girl over there? In the black, standing on the corner near the light post talking to the one in the brown?"

She nodded, "Yes."

"Well, that's the girlfriend of one of the boys. Well, the only girlfriend left technically..." I sighed at the thought of no more Zayn. "Anyway, her name's Sophia."

"You should go talk to her. Be your lame self and ask for a picture." She offered.

"Are you insane? I'm not worthy... She's like the quiet mysterious one that no one really knows much about. I'd freak her out."

Then I got to thinking. As creepy and lame and annoying as I'm going to come across as, am I really going to pass up an opportunity like this? What's the worse that could happen? She says no to the picture, big deal. I'll forever kick myself for not saying something if I don't. Also, she's the same age? What the fuck? Why am I freaking out?

Because it's Sophia fucking Smith.

Oh my god, I'm freaking out about the girlfriend, can you imagine if I met THEM?

"Do you want me to ask her for you?" Charlie offered. That'd be even more lame... dammit Charlie, think.

"Uh, ya no. No thank you. I'm just gunna do it."

We were so close to her now I could hear her speak. I crept closer, probably looking crazy to any onlookers, when her friend left. At least now I won't embarrass myself in front of two people. She was about to walk away too when she bumped into me. Which made sense because I was like right behind her.

"Sorry!" We both said. We were about the same height, around 5'4''.

"No, it's my fault really. Sorry." I insisted.

She's even more beautiful in person. I'm a potato compared to her.

"Oh your accent... are you American?" Fuck that question. But this was Sophia Smith though so I couldn't get mad.

"Aha, no. I'm Canadian." I corrected her.

"Oh sorry. I bet you get that a lot and I bet it's maddening."

"Well, yeah." I laughed. "But it's okay really, I understand the assumption."

She nodded and an awkward silence fell.

"Look," I broke the silence,

Here goes nothing.

"I know how lame this is going to sound, and I'm sorry, but do you think I could get a picture? I know who you are because I love One Direction...... and yeah, I don't know what to say I'm so embarrassed."

My face was most definitely beet red now.

Sophia just laughed and replied, "Oh it's okay, I understand. It's the least I can do after mistaking you for an American, aha. Oh and bumping into you."

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora