..::Chapter 18::..

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The rest of bowling went well. Niall and I weren't alone again so no more quick kisses or obvious flirting. Plenty of under the table action... well only some hand holding and footsie but that was who we were now, hidden. And it was exciting.

Niall liked me.


I was lying on my bed with the biggest fricken smile just staring up at the ceiling. I didn't know what to do. Every step I took felt like jelly but at the same time I was floating. Explain that to me.

I sounded so fucking cliché but god, that's how I felt. I felt like one big cliché. Something I never thought I'd have... I did. And with my celebrity crush? What is life? Don't ask me cause I have no fucking clue anymore.

My phone started going off and I knew exactly who it was.

"Hello?" I giggled, so excited to hear his voice again.

"Hello Ally." Niall smirked.

"Ally? Who the fu--" I raised my voice before stopping. "Oh," I laughed. "I get it."


"You were about to rip my head off." Niall gasped.

"I was." I giggled. "So, why did you call me?"

I knew why, he told me why. I just wanted to hear him say it.

"You know.... I don't remember... Ahh, now I do, I wanted to ask a certain Canadian out on a date."

"Do I know her?" I teased.

"Probably not, she's too good for you." He scoffed.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?"

"Well, she's... beautiful, funny, intelligent,... arousing."

"Arousing?" I choked on the air, my face beginning to blush.

"Oh ya, she gives t' best handjobs in t' world."

I could practically see his smug face saying that with his arms crossed, being quite content with himself.

"Oh my god, I'm hanging up." I covered my face, even though he couldn't see me.

Niall laughed loudly into the phone. "Oh shut it, it's a compliment."

"Aha, well you weren't too bad yourself."

"Is dat so?"

"Mhmm, you have gifted fingers." I exhaled.

"Fuck, okay stop. Never mind, don't even start." He huffed.

"What? You can tease me by 'complimenting' me but I can't return it?"

"Uh no, because I'll get a problem that I have to... 'handle' and you won't."

"You're sucha baby." I giggled.

It was like I was 12 years old again and Niall was my first crush. The smile was plastered on my face and I felt the need to giggle at everything he said. Like schoolgirl giggle.

"Back to why I called." He said, changing the subject.

"Okay, shoot."

"Shoot? How romantic." He giggled too. "Anyway, Jessica Mason, would you do me the honor of going out with me on a proper grownup date?"

"I shall, but don't call me Jessica." I said, fucking giggling of course. "When?"

"Excellent! And tomorrow night?"

"Tomorrow?! That's so last minute." I gasped.

"But I'm 'working' dis weekend and I'll be damned if I have to wait until next week to see you again. Do you work or something?"

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora