..::Chapter 28::..

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It was far too early for me to be awake on this dewy Saturday morning. The thing is, I couldn't sleep because of the whole 'me being on bad terms with Niall' and because Sophia and Liam were anything but quiet........ Like, I could literally hear everything. So, once the sun decided to make an appearance, I figured I'd leave to maybe get some sleep back at my place.

Once I got home I tried sleeping for probably 2 and a half hours before realizing that I wasnt going to find sleep. I also came to the conclusion that I needed to mend things with Niall now before it grew into something bigger. I felt like shît about not taking his feelings into consideration but I never at any point thought we couldn't make it past this. So, before this little problem morphed into something we couldn't concur, I needed to nip in it the bud asap.

After calling him, only to have it go straight to voicemail, I knew I needed to up my game. Without having a mode of transportation, my only real option was to ask Niall to come over. Now, my issue was getting Charlie and Lily out of the apartment.

Charlie had been hanging out with that guy from the pub, Anthony, I think. Apparently they had a whole day planned where they were going to sightsee and whatnot. Lily, on the other hand, was working already. I did call down to the pub just to notify her who was potentially coming over and she promised to give us privacy, even after her shift was over.

Michael Bublé: Hey, I really want to talk to you about last night. Pleeease come over, I'm begging you. I'm so sorry.

And now we wait.

After throwing my phone to the other end of the couch, I huffed and leaned back. This whole situation was making me anxious. I desperately wanted to make it past this hiccup.

"I should do something for him." I thought.

But what? Should I cook him something? No, I can't cook. Throw him a surprise party? No, that's ridiculous. Should I buy him something? No, I shouldn't try to buy his affection.

"I'm not good at this." I said aloud and shook my head.

The apartment was too quiet for my liking, which allowed too many of my thoughts to swim freely through my mind. My phone was connected through Bluetooth to the stereo we all shared. Scrolling down, I stopped at my 'Squeaky Clean' playlist which was reserved for house cleaning.

Maybe cleaning might distract me from myself.

I did what little dishes were in the sink and began to clean out the fridge. After about an hour, the kitchen was spotless. I was sweeping the main living area when 'Midnight Memories' by none other than my boyfriend's band came on.

I went all out.

Using the end of the broom as a microphone, I sang the lyrics loudly.

"YOU AND ME AND ALL OUR FRIENDS!! I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH WE SPEND!! BABY, THIS IS WHAT THE NIGHT IS FoooOOOOoooOOR!!" I belted the lyric, quite literally screaming it.

I continued to dance around my broom a couple of times and even used the broom as a dancing partner by dipping it and looking deeply at it. As I serenaded the end of my broom, I heard a chuckle from in front of me.

Looking up, I dropped my fake dance partner onto the floor and smiled sheepishly at Niall.

"Hello." He uttered.

"Hi." I squeaked.

Quickly, I cleared my throat. "What are you doing here?"

"You invited me." He declared.


I swiftly picked up the broom and put it away.

"Um, want to sit down?" I offered, gesturing towards the couch.

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