..::Chapter 19::..

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As the day went on, my anger towards Niall subsided. Mainly only because I wasn't thinking about it.

I wasn't sure how I wanted to treat the whole situation. Niall was completely out of line and it's not like I could explain it to him because I already did and he still walked out.

Tonight was supposed to be exciting and fun, I shouldn't have been on edge just thinking about it. Maybe I should call him and clear things up before tonight's festivities begin? I don't know.

Work ended up being absolute hell. I'm not sure what was wrong with Johnny today but almost every order was wrong. Every customer that came in had an attitude and no one could be satisfied. It didn't seem to slow down at any point either.

Niall and I agreed last night for a start time of 8 o'clock for our date tonight. My shift ended at 6, so I had to rush upstairs and shower quickly. My now frizzy hair wasn't my only problem, I had no clue what to wear.

The only thing I knew about our date was that we wouldn't be caught. That meant one of two things, I could either dress for comfort or dress to impress.

I decided I'd try and blow Niall's socks off, or at least try too. I still hadn't known what I was going to wear though. Looking through my closet, I found a saucy little number.

Well, saucier than my normal apparel.

Actually, it was pretty safe and innocent, but still cute. It was a black lacy mid thigh length dress that had a high neckline. It had sleeves like a t-shirt and was extremely comfortable. It poofed out a tad at the waist. I guess all-in-all, the dress wasn't saucy at all. It was classy though, and maybe that's what I needed to be right now. Classy.

I had no clue what to do but I didn't have many options in my closet. So, I went with the classy route.

For my hair, I went for an updo. Something easy and simple to pull my hair away from my face. Again, classy.

The class didn't end there either because I threw on some fake pearl earrings as well.

For my eye makeup, I kept it simple and fresh. Only using browns and golds for eyeshadow. Although for my lips, I chose a matted, deep red lipstick.

It was 7:55 and I was sitting on the edge of my bed, ready. I couldn't risk leaving my room because I'd get bombarded with questions from Charlie and the last thing I needed was another person knowing.

Niall still hadn't texted or anything all day. I swear to god if he stands me up...... I'll make sure everyone knows.

Well, actually I probably wouldn't because I'm too much of a nice fuçking person. But know that I'd want everyone to know.

I sat there staring at my phone when my door opened and... Lily walked in?

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" I gave her a confused look.

"I told Brayden I needed to go get a tampon." She giggled.

I joined her then asked, "Okay, but then why are you in here?"

"To distract Charlie while you sneak out." She shrugged, as if it were obvious.

"I don't even know where to go." I looked down, suddenly upset again.

Lily smirked and leaned forward, whispering, "He's on the rooftop."

My eyes shot open, while my heart began to race.

"What?!" I whispered harshly.

Lily laughed, "Just go. I'm sure he'll explain everything."

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