..::Chapter 29::..

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I woke up to his warm breath on the back of my neck. Noticing mine and his naked bodies pressed up against each other, I was quickly brought back to the night before.

Last night was, Jesus, it's hard to explain. I've never felt so comfortable with someone in my entire life. I'd always imagined I'd be so self-conscience in the bedroom, at least I always had been with my past partners, but with Niall... I didn't think twice about it. I became this confidence fueled passionate lover. I had made love for the first time last night and it was incredible knowing that was his first passionate experience as well.

Let us not forget about my realization.

Last night, it scared me. But now, with him holding me closer than I thought possible, hearing his and my heart beat in time... I've never been more sure of anything in my life.

I love him.

I love him so fucking much.

The idea of being anywhere but right here is unimaginable, if not unbearable. I wanted to slow myself down and not rush such a strong emotion but I refused to suppress it. Whether or not I was about to tell him was another story. Because this feeling was so overwhelming and embodying, if he didn't feel the same way it would do nothing less than destroy me. Maybe I'll give it some time and see how we are after last night.

"What're you smiling at?" Said a deep groggy voice from above me.

I was stuck too deep in my head and didn't even feel Niall rustle awake.

I laid fully on my back and Niall leaned on his elbow, looking down at me.

"Nothing." I smiled more, bringing my hand up to stroke his cheek.

He returned my smile and grabbed my hand to kiss the palm of it then held it against his chest.

"We can sleep for a couple more hours. It's still pretty early." I whispered.

"Don't. Cause den I won't be able to see those eyes from this beautiful view." He tapped my nose and I covered my face, blocking his 'view'.

"Noooo." He whined, trying to pull my hands away.

I giggled at his struggle but he did eventually succeed of course. However, I did keep my eyes closed.

"Peek-a-boo princess, open up." He whispered.

Nail was now in between my legs. He placed small pecks all over my face, excluding my mouth. He had my hands pinned above my head.


He was at my neck when he bit me. A pleasurable pain surged through me, releasing a moan.

"Open up." He whispered in my ear.

He kissed me passionately after that and this seemed to distract him enough because I broke free of his hold and flipped us so I was on top.

With open eyes, I leaned up and sat directly on his core.

He groaned before saying, "Okay, I may like this view better."

I knew what I wanted to happen next and I was sure he wouldn't have a problem with it. His dick was already at half mass with his hands on my hips. I dug my nails into the skin of his chest and rolled my hips. He was quickly ready to go.

"Fuck." He hissed.

I smirked, "Are you sure you don't want to sleep a bit longer, baby?"

"Hell no."

I grabbed a condom and Niall exhaled loudly when I ripped it open with my teeth. Slowly, I rolled it onto him.

"Come on, babe." He begged.

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