..::Chapter 7::..

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Sophia loved to cook and I was her unofficial guinea pig. Anytime she found a new recipe she wanted to try out, she'd come to me. I wasn't a food enthusiast in the slightest, besides the fact that I enjoyed eating it. But for some reason she valued my simplistic critique and I wasn't about to decline free food.

Sophia was good... at following a recipe. It was when she tried to experiment and create a dish of her own that she ran into problems. Her issue was in her ingredients. She tried to mix broccoli and potato chips once with a marshmallow sauce. I give her props on trying new things but Jesus... I'm still recovering from that one.

Tonight was one of the 'found a recipe' kind of nights. Thank god because I had had enough surprises for today.

So anywho, Sophia was right where she said she'd be, in the kitchen with groceries scattered around the island.

"So what's on the menu for tonight?"


Sophia clapped her hands together that caused a puff of flour to occur. She had it all over herself already as she knead the dough. The dough wasn't white though... it was orange.

"What's the catch..."

"No catch, but it's a butternut squash based dough and depending on your toppings, it's gluten-free and vegan." Sophia said with a playfully snooty look on her face.

"Ouu, fanc-eh."

Sophia and I share the same ideology when it comes to food. We eat decently healthy but for the most part if we want to eat something, we do. This explains my bodacious curves but as for Sophia... I don't understand her rockin' bod. Well she does workout a lot too. I should probably get on that as well...

"So you had a story for me?"

"Ugh yeah." She started. "Liam and I," she exhaled, "Liam and I are fighting, I think."

"Woah, what? You think? Explain."

Liam and Sophia never fought, like ever. If anything they're too perfect.

"Well, I told him I wanted to have the talk. You the one where you discuss your future and if it's together and what not?"

I nodded.

"Well, he said he saw his future with me and he liked the path we were on. And that's it."

She looked at me like I was supposed to respond.

"Soo......" I wanted her continue.

"So? That conversation is THE conversation that couples have for like days and it never really gets solved because only time will tell?"

"Okay? So did he say something wrong?" I'm confused.

"Nothing. He said everything I wanted him to." she shrugged.


"I'm so confused. What's the problem here?"

"That we had THE conversation in a matter of five seconds."

"Wait, you guys are fighting because you didn't have a fight?"

I was trying hard not to smile but oh my god. I was right. They're too perfect and that's the issue here. I never thought I'd see the day.

"Well when you say it like that it sounds silly..." Sophia said, looking down, still playing with the dough.

"Because it is Soph! Please don't tell me you challenged him on being too perfect."


"Oh my effin' God Soph." I said, as I shook my head smiling.

"Stop it okay! I'm mad and confused and happy but worried." She huffed. "Liam is perfect. He is everything I've always wanted and more. We haven't a care in the world Jess. It's like it's too good too be true. Like a dream and I'm going to wake up at any moment and this life could all be taken away from me. Distance is the only problem we've really faced. Besides the fans at first, but even they've come around. My life with him is perfect and without him... I'd be ruined."

International Relations [Niall Horan Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora