..::Chapter 33::..

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"Niall, I can't talk right now."

I was rushing around my room to gather up all my necessary supplies. My shift at the pub went longer than expected because we got busy and were understaffed as per usual, resulting in me now running late. I was supposed to be at a little café near Leister Square in about half an hour to meet up with Jack and both of his daughters, Kate and Leslie. Kate was the one I was tutoring in... math, I believe. Whereas Leslie was tagging along simply to quench her thirst for knowledge.

"Love, you need teh slow down. Please don't over exert yourself." Niall pleaded.

He was worrying because I had had another nightmare last night. I called Niall just to hear his voice but felt pathetic as soon as he answered. Although he argued persistently, I refused to let him in if he came over. I needed to be able to handle these things without his presence all the time, plus I knew he had a big day today. I mentally scolded myself though when I found myself asking him to stay on the line with me until I fell back to sleep. He called me about a million times this morning and I only just answered because I was obviously busy. 

I couldn't even remember the contents of the dream besides the shitty feeling in my chest when I woke up. The feeling is still kind of there but I think I may just be homesick.

"Niall, please, I'm fine. Really." I threw my light jacket on and yelled to Charlie in the kitchen, "I'm leaving for tutoring! I'll be back later with Sophia!" I heard her shout something back along the lines of 'okay' and left. "Niall, what can I do to get you to go back to writing?" I asked exasperated.

Niall was working on completing a solo studio album and it bothered me to no end that I was a distraction. He wouldn't admit it to me but there's no way this kid could be writing and constantly calling me. I didn't know what to do. All I wanted was for him to focus on his music. He's too passionate about it to be worrying about me and a silly little nightmare. Although we haven't seen much of each other this week, I could feel how anxious he was around me. Like he was watching me, waiting for me to spontaneously combust.

"You can march your arse back in your flat." He aggressively suggested.

I ran down the stairs as I replied, "I'm not about to cancel on tutoring the girls."

"Fine, not dem. But you shouldn't be workin' so much at the pub den."

"They need me, Niall." I huffed as I threw open the door that lead to the outside.

The nearest tube station wasn't far from the pub, so I walked briskly in that direction.

"Jess..." Niall sounded exasperated.

"Niall, look, I'm fine. It was a stupid nightmare. They happen and I haven't had a panic attack in like a week. I'm really okay. I'm feeling well today. Please... don't make me regret calling you."

There was silence on the other end of the call, but I could still hear his sigh.

"Always call me, princess. I just don't want you to get hurt."

I could hear the hurt in his voice. If I was being honest, I knew I was being distant. 

"I'll be careful, baby. I promise."

We both remained quiet. Neither of us wanting to continue arguing.

"I'm about to get on the tube. I'll text you when I get there and give you updates throughout the day. But please, baby, please go back to writing. Focus on that and not me. I'll let you know if I need anything."

With another sigh he agreed, "But anything, Jess, if you need anything at all, call me."

"Of course, baby. I love you." I smiled slightly into the phone.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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