..::Chapter 14::..

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Niall's POV

I had no reason to be mad at her, but I was. I couldn't say anything more though because it would be too incriminating to myself. I was both annoyed and grateful that she put on a movie because I had no clue what more to say.


Under any other circumstances he was a lad. He could be a dick at times sure but we all had our moments.

My fists were balled as I clenched onto my beer bottle, taking a swig. I drank it relatively quick, wanting to drown out these feelings I didn't understand. I looked over at Jess, laying down on the other end of my large sectional. Her eyes kept closing then they'd shoot open, right before slowly closing again. I knew she'd pass out soon enough.

I was pissed for various reasons.

I was still harboring some anger from earlier when Jess thought it'd be funny to pretend to almost crash my car... She had taken it too far in general but with my past, I was traumatized. She didn't know about that part of my past, so I couldn't take it all out on her. Plus, she did apologize and the look in her eyes told me she knew she fucked up.

Besides that little hiccup, the night was going swell. I enjoyed her company more than I cared to admit but then fucking Oli had to call and ruin it.

She didn't know about the damn grand opening because I hadn't told her about it yet. Because we had decided to be fucking 'friends', I wasn't exactly going to ask her to come as my date but I was going to invite her. The only reason Sophia didn't invite Jess was because the event was supposed to be a private event, personal invitation only. Meaning, either you were invited personally or you were the date of someone who was. It was actually Harry who brought up inviting Jess. He was going to do it, not as his date but just so she could come. I was the only one with Jess' number, so I offered to 'take the bullet'. That's how Louis knew Jess would be coming, I just hadn't asked yet. How the fuck Oli was invited... I had no clue.

Ugh, and then she said yes. She fucking said yes. She doesn't even like him. I asked her last weekend when he was being too fucking touchy with her and she denied such feelings so why on Earth did she say yes.

Then I remembered what she last said to me that rendered me speechless. That she couldn't go with the person she wanted to go with. She couldn't possibly be talking about me right? I mean, she was the one who friend zoned me right?

Jess liked me?

I didn't have feelings for Jess. At least I didn't think so. Yes, I liked kissing her. Yes, all I wanted to do was touch her and hold her. Do things to her that brought both of us pleasure. So it was all lust. I could go from simply enjoying her laugh to wanting to bend her over a table within a matter of seconds. It made me sound like some sex driven monster, but I swear I wasn't. I didn't understand why every feeling with her was intensified and this new feeling... I hate to say it was jealousy but I didn't know what other conclusion to conjure up. And now I'd have to go an entire evening with Oli's arm around Jess when it should be mine.

I'm not one to sleep around, that often, but tomorrow may just call for such an occasion. I may just have to bury myself in some girl depending on how tomorrow goes.

God, I don't want to be that guy though.

Jess wasn't even my type. Not even close. She was gorgeous of course but not the type I usually find myself involved with. She had naturally frizzy dark brown hair that was only tamed when she'd put it up or actually put in the effort. I liked when her hair was up though because it showed more of her pretty face. Her body was, Jesus, it was so incredibly curvy but in the best way. I don't consider myself shallow but I usually went for the stick thin ones. Not because I think the skinnier the better or any of that bullshit, it's just the direction I went in without really realizing. Jess' body made my mouth water though.

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