..::Chapter 25::..

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Jess' POV

I quickly grabbed the blanket we were previously sharing. By wrapping it around myself, I covered my exposed chest from the elements. Mainly Willie's eyes.

Niall simply grabbed a pillow and placed it over himself.

"I seriously hope you're Jess." Willie said, wide-eyed with a hint of a smirk.

"Jess, Willie. Willie, Jess." Niall's hand motioned between the two of us impatiently.

"Oh, my god." I groaned, simultaneously moving the blanket to hide completely under it, head and all.

"Well, are ya jus gunna fuçking stand dare or get the fuçk out so we can get dressed?" Niall asked, his anger level clearly raising.

Willie put his hands up in defense and walked across the kitchen.

"Okay, okay. Jaysus, keep your pants on." He stopped and turned to us again. "Nevermind, too late for dat, ya?"

"Out!" Niall yelled, pointing to the hallway.

Great first impression, Jess. Spot on.

I felt Niall get up from the couch next to me and suddenly my hideaway was being destroyed.

"Here." He grinned, whilst handing me my bra and T-shirt.

I hastily dressed myself as Niall did the same. Because my hands were shaking so immensely from being caught, when I went to pull on my shirt my head went through the sleeve hole. Panic started to set in when my arms got stuck in the shirt as well.

Don't ask me how, they just were.

"Hang on, hang on." A thick Irish accent snickered through the thin fabric.

My arms kept flailing until he grabbed my wrists in order to still me.

"Help me." I whimpered.

Niall laughed out loud, "Den stop moving." He managed to pull my shirt off completely. "Arms up."

I obliged and pouted like a child. After Niall slipped the shirt down my sides, his hands lingered there to grab my hips and make me stand with him. He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"Dare you go, baby."

"I'm not a baby." I continued to pout while crossing my arms, acting completely contrary to my statement.

"But you're my baby." His hands clasped together on the small of my back, under my shirt. His touch was slowly spreading a fiery heat across my skin.

"And you're a cheese ball."

"Your cheese ball."

I giggled at his cuteness. He was like a cute little puppy that I just wanted to squeeze and snuggled up to.

My cute little puppy dog.

Pushing up onto my toes, I kissed his lips gingerly.

"So," He pulled away, "Is dis gunna be like blow job week because, I mean, we can't really do anything else right?"

I scuffed and pushed him away. I then turned towards the kitchen, only to squeal when I felt a smack to my rear end. Niall winked at me before sitting back down on the couch.

As I opened the fridge door, a voice from down the hall was heard: "Can I come out now? Are you guys done with all the sėx?"

"Yes, ya bastard! It's safe to come out!" Niall screamed.

Willie emerged from the hallway smirking, "Wow, Nialler. You finish fast."

"Fuçk off." Niall picked up the nearest pillow and whipped it at his cousin.

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